Never cared about it, it's stats from public racing which is pretty much pointless. I'm scrolling thru spdo-database instead when I'm bored, much more interesting stats there.
But I've been driving quite a lot lately, so I lurked on that section a few times this month, to see if I'd appear somewhere at some point. But I didn't so far, though I recall I found OP and one of my team-mate. Guess I'm missing a few hundreds kms
If i get you right then you think that public racing is pointless? You cant just say that,its sometimes fun,its good for beginners and you could get good experience driving in public servers and you're not sayin that when you started playing lfs you were already in MoE seat?
Never really cared tbh, I've been on there a few times last year. Haven't bothered this year..
November 2009 - 1st distance
November 2009 - 8th laps
October 2009 - 1st distance
October 2009 - 2nd laps
October 2009 - 18th won races.
October 2009 - 50th finished races
Personally they are pretty much pointless to me.
Haven't seen anyone yet who has beaten 31,000km in a month.. but i don't think anyone would want to.. I spent like 5 hours non stop on cruise servers a day.. Damn, bad times.
About that 31 000km - anyone checked FM Failures stats on that? If anyone, he would probally would be one of the candidates who might have driven a longer distance than that.
I don't think I have ever been on that list before, but I have no clue..
Are there some ways for me to check the top 50 back in time, to see if I were on any of them? An Excel overveiw maybe?