1. At the start of the year itself, I did the first ever paid project, on myself, without my uncle's company's help.
http://buttonbashers.com - The movie list, on the right (It's a bit heavy, because I wasn't that good at flash programming yet. Still not, but I know the ways to do it heaps better now).
2. DONE HIGH-SCHOOL! :bannana_p
3. Started a job at my uncle's company, because I didn't get accepted for the specialty I wanted in the uni.
4. Did my first ever big flash project. (You can see it only when I'm at work, because it works from my lappy. Every Monday to Friday from 09:30(10:00, realistically, because I'm almost always late :razz

to 18:00 GMT+2, here:
5. Just finished my first ever big programming(PHP + javascript(consisting of pure js, ajax and jQuery)) project. It's a german website for students, looking for a job(obviously, in germany). The owner of the website connects the two parties, and gets a commission. Live here:
http://studijobagent.de ..The administration system is actually 90% of the project. What you see on the front side, is just like 10% of everything.
X. Made some new friends, got closer to others.
Y. Finally fixed my car in a way, that it is now actually safe to be driven.
Z. Made some discoveries about my personality(no, not that :razz

: I like taking pictures of just about everything. And that I'm very good at coming up with super idiotic ideas for pictures, that turn out to be... idiotic
(and sometimes funny). One of them was to stick out of my car's window and pretend I'm flying it. Looks pretty retarded, taking in mind that you can see the wheels, being on the ground..
B?. Yesterday(17 Dec, 2010) was my first business date. If it's called a date, haha. I met the boss or owner(not sure) of one of the biggest pizzerias in my city(name - Godzila). I loved how I was the youngest one there, and yet as the only programmer in the room, everyone needed my opinion. ^_^
I. got a lappy.
Was an awesome year for me, personally. But I hope, that I will be accepted in the Uni, that I want next year, because this is still my main priority.
And I know that it is on topic, but anyway, sorry for sharing so much personal info.