Not sure if this belongs here or in OT, but hey.
So basically I turned the laptop on this morn, logged in and waited for everything to load. Normally msn logs in automatically and opens to show me who's online, but today it didn't. Opened it up and tried manual log-in, said password was wrong. Typed it in again, still no, and again, still no. Now slightly confused, I booted up FF and tried hotmail to see if that worked. Nope. Oh joy, I thought, hotmail's been hacked. Went through the whole process of getting the new password and logged back in. Got to my hotmail inbox, and had several e-mails from organisations who said I'd asked to change my password. Damn. Changed everything back [with a new password, ofc], but then delved deeper into my account [I'm organised and have folders, you see :P].
So you've got into someone's hotmail account - what's the first thing you're going to want to change? Bank password? Ebay password? Amazon password? No, the very first thing this person did was to change my LFS Web Password.

[and post this]. They changed my profile picture to some dude and my signature to Arox's name. I can only assume they got my password via the hotmail "forgotten password" security question and ALOT of facebook delving and researching to find the answer. [yes, I've changed it now you bastard].
So this is basically just a little warning that there's some bastards on here who, for some reason, think it's fun to hack into people's accounts, so [excuse me for sounding all old-person here :P] make sure your security question isn't something you can find on fb, and make sure your account doesn't get hacked either
And no, I've not got a virus or anything like that, haven't downloaded anything even possibly dodgy in weeks, and even that was off an official website.
So basically I turned the laptop on this morn, logged in and waited for everything to load. Normally msn logs in automatically and opens to show me who's online, but today it didn't. Opened it up and tried manual log-in, said password was wrong. Typed it in again, still no, and again, still no. Now slightly confused, I booted up FF and tried hotmail to see if that worked. Nope. Oh joy, I thought, hotmail's been hacked. Went through the whole process of getting the new password and logged back in. Got to my hotmail inbox, and had several e-mails from organisations who said I'd asked to change my password. Damn. Changed everything back [with a new password, ofc], but then delved deeper into my account [I'm organised and have folders, you see :P].
So you've got into someone's hotmail account - what's the first thing you're going to want to change? Bank password? Ebay password? Amazon password? No, the very first thing this person did was to change my LFS Web Password.

So this is basically just a little warning that there's some bastards on here who, for some reason, think it's fun to hack into people's accounts, so [excuse me for sounding all old-person here :P] make sure your security question isn't something you can find on fb, and make sure your account doesn't get hacked either

And no, I've not got a virus or anything like that, haven't downloaded anything even possibly dodgy in weeks, and even that was off an official website.