Help lol
ok so am i supposed to put the 'bin' folder in my main Lfs folder? and name it to LFSINSIM or something like that? anyway so i changed that admin password to my password... so i start LFS and that lap thing and i type on lfs '/insim 29999' but it says guest closed lapper... Can someone team view me or something to set it up for me! it would be greatly appreciated
when i try to go on duty, it says access denied... and ive done that thing with the file
Quote from James22 :ok so am i supposed to put the 'bin' folder in my main Lfs folder? and name it to LFSINSIM or something like that? anyway so i changed that admin password to my password... so i start LFS and that lap thing and i type on lfs '/insim 29999' but it says guest closed lapper... Can someone team view me or something to set it up for me! it would be greatly appreciated

you need to type !start ... it seems that you arnt using the latest version cause there is no access denied for going on duty
New version available: ReadMe
Hey everyone! i got some news i have made a visual basic script that can be used to automatically update LFSLapper cruise to the latest version.

Coming soon!
so, i currently have an idea... whena user presses Shift + I the current hud re opens...

the way i just made makes it go away and cancels the hud from coming back up. The way that i'm thinking is making a more user friendly UI(less buttons)


i can use it so users can select which UI they would like to use
(SideBar Big, SideBar Small(coming soon), Top(coming soon), None)
where is the shop in as5 track?
On the turn after the old pits.... but you don't have access to as5 o.o
i found the shop ;D
but where are all users database is saved to??
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :On the turn after the old pits.... but you don't have access to as5 o.o

He's a cracker. Most Lithuanian demoers are crackers anyway.
yea i found that shop so...
now i need to know where is databse of users is saved to
New Version available: (click download on

Please note: This is the LAST update that i will be releasing

New in this version:
  1. !chase command has been redone type !chase and get a list of users within range
  2. !pay command hs been added
just wanted to say i fixed a few small things since the release, you may want to either
  1. run the included patcher
  2. if the patcher give "virus" warning download it manually
i got this insim on my server but user stats are not getting saved.
can you tell me why its not getting saved
how do i add admins into the LFSLapper
Quote from dadragon84 :how do i add admins into the LFSLapper

Look for a file called admin.txt

Open (should be nothing in it) and add your username. Save. Run lapper as normal.
there are several admins.txt file in different folders which one is the correct one
To be on the safe side, you could put your name in them all.

However, should be the one in same directory where you can find the LFSLapper.lpr file, i.e. /bin/default/

I would suggest you also add your name into the superusers.txt file too.
i did as you said and when i put the command !admins no one show up as an admin..... also is there a list of commands that are NOT listed in the !help command.... like !add-officer..... how do i check if there is officers online..... and what are the tow commands.... stuff like that.... sorry in advance for acting like such a noob
Not my code, but looking thru it, the following appear to be the commands you can use;


Can't see any tow commands.
Do you know how i may add some tow commands and how do i use the !forcefine command.... everytime i use it, it says invalid command... and what about the !admins command.... it doesnt show anyone under the admins and how do i see on-duty officers
In the /bin/default directory, make a couple of text files called
Cruise_Lotto.txt and Cruise_Police.txt

If you want to make someone an officer, type !add-officer <username>

where <username> is the person you want to make officer (e.g.!add-officer sinanju)

This will add the username into the Cruise_Police.txt file.

That's about all I've managed to work out just now.
Quote from sinanju :In the /bin/default directory, make a couple of text files called
Cruise_Lotto.txt and Cruise_Police.txt

If you want to make someone an officer, type !add-officer <username>

where <username> is the person you want to make officer (e.g.!add-officer sinanju)

This will add the username into the Cruise_Police.txt file.

That's about all I've managed to work out just now.

i figured out how to add the officers already but how can i view them.... like in UC you type !cops and it shows the cops on-duty or off-duty
!refund <car,km,cash> <amount> <user>
  • !refund car XRT Fire_optikz001
  • !refund cash 100 Fire_optikz001
  • !refund KM 10 Fire_optikz001
forcefine is the same, just do !forcefine instead of !refund

bye bye now