Lighten up fool.
For a start, the 34 year old woman is fugly. Some women have a thing for younger men, I have a thing for older women.
The first 22 year old I mentioned has a nice-ish body, she is quite big but still has a nice body IMO. Big women usually come with big tits. She ain't bad looking, her body is alright but her personality sucks. Too "mouthy" for me.
The 18 year old I mentioned does have a nice body and is good looking IMO. Some don't think so but I do. She is a nice person but for some reason I can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Plus the THICK Brummie accent is horibble.
The 2nd 22 year old is quite a big girl, but that doesn't bother me, plus she is a F cup

Nice girl and I've known her for a few years. Found out yesterday that she has always had a thing for me. Not what I would call relationship material.
As you can see, by all means not perfect. It wasn't bullshit, just a light hearted post because I was in that kind of mood. I don't know much about you but I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to me like I was 14 and acuse me of bullshitting and being a "sad lonely guy". For very good reasons, I am not bullshitting, nor am I a sad lonely guy. You don't really know me from Adam, so a little respect would be appreciated. There was no need to pounce like you did. The forum might not care about these women, but it was a fun post.
Thanks for the 'advice' though Mr. Flame.