The gear indicator (1,2,3,4..) on the dashboad is obscured by the steering wheel in the XRR. I never know which gear I'm in (well, not never). Is there a way to fix this?
Kev cool? lol! Anyway, i had the same issue, its just one of them annoying things, try installing the Momo wheel and see if it helps!
Quote from thisnameistaken :Oh and I suppose you were a regular mini-Fonzie when you were six? Hey, aren't you the guy with the reindeer ear warmers? I don't have to justify myself to you! the ladies love a man with warm ears!
Oh. My. God. This forum has descended into 'avatar clothes warfare'... Maybe I should post a pic of me in a panto Edit: here is a teaser pic. Make of it what you will... Attached images
Quote from tristancliffe :This forum has descended into 'avatar clothes warfare'... Maybe I should post a pic of me in a panto maybe you could save my precious eyes first?
If tristan's teaser pic affects everything the same way, maybe you could use it to turn off the steering wheel...
Quote from Spinjack :The gear indicator (1,2,3,4..) on the dashboad is obscured by the steering wheel in the XRR. I never know which gear I'm in (well, not never). Is there a way to fix this? It is also possible to switch off the wheel in view if you prefer, check the options
Quote from thisnameistaken :Lift your seating position a bit with a custom view? Didn't know you could do that. Thx.
Quote from P1lot :It is also possible to switch off the wheel in view if you prefer, check the options I like having the the wheel there, though. I'll check the options. Thx.
Just count the gears in your head I do it without even noticing now so I never have to look at the dash. Keiran
Quote from thisnameistaken : Plus there are those times when you find yourself in a lower gear than you would normally be due to traffic or yellow flags or whatever, and then you shift down one extra gear for the next corner out of habit... Whoops! Bingo!