Brake, yes, but I don't think it's a 2 stroke since I don't have to mix any oil into my fuel.
Also starting the scooter is a bit tricky anyway, since it doesn't take gas starting from a point of about a third to half open if it's cold, that's another thing that's kinda worriying me. Maybe it's warm in the garage, we'll see in Spring.
Ah well 4 strokes are much easier to start in Winter. To be fair I'm not sure about the size of batteries on Mopeds but I don't imagine them being really titchy...I'd guess the same size of battery as what's in my Street Triple (I think it's 8aH or something stupidly pathetic like that) and that can start the bike after being laid up for a fortnight, with an Alarm and Tracker draining on it.
Trickle chargers are a good idea (I wouldn't dream of leaving a bike away for winter without one) but to be honest, in a moped I'd just take the battery out if possible, and keep it somewhere relatively warm and dry (say in a cupboard in your room) - It should hold it's charge till you come to use it.
A little known tip is to drop the battery on the floor from about knee height. I'm not sure of the internals of batteries however there's something to do with the plates and the charge...I used this technique on a dead battery (cranked the bike but wouldn't start) and without even charging, started up straight away.
I wouldn't worry about it not wanting to start without throttle, alot of the time in carbed engines, fuel will drain out or move around in the pipes, especially in less sophisticated carbed engines where there's either a tap assembly or it only ever has vacuum when the engine is on with no fuel pump prime. The carbed bikes I had always needed a little throttle (or a lot of choke) to start, fuel injection doesn't need any but that's fancy electronics for you eh?
I also thought that I should post something snow related so I included a picture of my car.
You missunderstood me quite a bit at the starting up part. I'm not worrying about how it doesn't start without gas, I'm worrying that, if I pull the gas more than, let's say a third, it doesn't take any gas at all, and thus won't start. This is also making it unfunny to driver away from school after a rather cold day, since it takes a while until I can fully accelerate. I've heard it's not that abnormal, but my moped already has very little acceleration, and so it's quite anooying. And sometimes makes me wonder why it's not starting.
Kick starter might not help, for example my bike doesn't have electric starter, but it won't start without battery, because generator will not work. It depends on what generator is in your scooter. Some of them requires electricity to start working, some of them don't
I found myself in a similar situation (had to stop on an icy hill only to slide back into a guys driveway). But he wouldn't tow me out because his 10 plate Disco "doesn't weigh enough to tow". So I had to dig myself out. >.<
That is all the snow you have? That is what the government means with 'dont go out there!'? We got the same amount but apparently we are not important enough.. pff