I cant believe, that the way u Guys do, is good, cause your support is bad/slow etc.
Many times in the past, when we got a trouble, i submitted a support ticket across the OFFICIAL 500 Servers CP or Billing system.
U usually give me an answer after many days(if u give), does not matters, if the ticket was HIGH!
Sometimes just a little work solved the problems!
After some letters, we reached, that our servers runs on Z28, and got the latest free Airio.
We saw, that some statistical menu appeared in CP...
But they did not work all the time... (useless feature in my eyes, why was there?)
So... after a few weeks "perfect" running, the horror begins again.
U send me a mail, that maintenance will begin.... in 30 min.
lol or not? OK, we are alive. Maintenance is over.
After a few days, again... maintenance is in 30 min.
WTF? I wroted than to Dean, and next time, he send me a mail before maintenance in time, about 23 hours. That is some good thing. In this mail, he wroted, that this will end up till .... bla bla bla..
We waited this time, and after some hours, but server CP was not reachable.
I wroted again to Dean, and i got a mail, that this is a bit bigger problem, that he tought, and he did not sleep over X hours, but after some hours, servers worked.
(1st, I am a human too, so i can understand, if somebody tired if he could not sleep, but in 2nd, I am a customer, who payed for some service, and i want to use it, so i dont care about sleeping problems.)
So, the servers works "fine", till now.
We want to check some settings, and when we enter the CP, we can see this:
The servers running, but there is a bit problem again, and Ticket Submitting disappeared! (this, why i am here. cause in a mail i got this link... but i dont think, i must read a thread on another site, if the official got a ticket system and a support forum too...)
So! I wanna ask, why is this happens AGAIN?
And a big-big problem that we got AGAIN and old Airio and the Official patch installed, we dont want them. We want the Z28 (easy switch between Demo/S1/S2) and the latest Airio.
The begining was a magic, but after 1 month, problems again and again... so, i think, that after our payed session is over, we will leave, with a bad feeling.
How can i reach, that U watch your customers?
U are maybe the cheapest, but with these problems... no.
I want a support, that active, and online.
I am in some other server renting, and there is no time. If some problem appears, they put into the news feed in CP. If we want something, we can reach them almost 0-24, or within a few hours.