Simulators outside lfs ?
(45 posts, started )
Quote from justasimfan :Man oh man...i am not advertising anything...I just wanted to mention this underdog of a sim that nobody knows to people that love simulator games.I care about lfs but i look at other sims(nowdays i play mostly rfactor and gtr evo/race on).In any case here in the community there are a lot of incredibly talented people that want and can help the devs to improve lfs but are denied.Games like the game i mention need the help of people like that to improve and the dev(s) actually ask about people's opinions and help.
In the end if another simulator improves and become worth of actually playing everybody wins.Don't see it as enemy that's plain silly.The more simulators out there the better.

When I removed the demo from my computer I wrote down my thoughts on his game. So I did my part. I hope he does well but I think he has alot of work to do. I am like you I like to support the small "guy" in sim racing and I really hope things progress for him and his sim.
Quote from Haupman : "F****** queer. I'd love to kick your ass"

Quote from Haupman : I am like you I like to support the small "guy" in sim racing and I really hope things progress for him and his sim.

So to sum up.. Haupmans a nice guy who likes to support the small independent sim producer, whilst in his spare time likes to post abusive messages to complete strangers, for no other reason than they like iRacing.

..and there ladies and gentlemen we have a textbook case of schizophrenia

Anyone know a shrink?
I think people in this thread are a little paranoid and there is no point in arguing with mad men.
#29 - 5haz
This thread is polluted with dangerous levels of irony.
Quote from Haupman :I think people in this thread are a little paranoid and there is no point in arguing with mad men.

Keep trying you nutter.

and you call us mad men

I think he has a crush on you.
#32 - 5haz
Oh dear.

What has he got against Bristol? its a nice city IMO.
I've never had an internet stalker before. It's kinda fun. Especially when they are as stupid as this one.
#34 - 5haz
Surely it'd be more fun to have one you could have a proper row with, something beyond overused obscenities and references to various sex acts.
Quote from 5haz :Surely it'd be more fun to have one you could have a proper row with, something beyond overused obscenities and references to various sex acts.

Id love to have a proper row with him, but he just insults and leaves. I do try and respond but he's not man enough to stand up to someone that will obviously kick his ass in a "debate"
I apologise to the OP for getting this thread totally derailed and probably locked soon, but I felt it was my duty to let the community know what sort of nutter we're dealing with here.
What kind of freak are you Haupman that you need to sign up at DI with another account just to personally abuse me even more?

I'm seriously worried about your metal state.

If you want to hurl your pathetic insults at me at least be a man about it and do it here, in public, under your own user name.

Of course you wont because you're a pathetic little cowardly child.

To silence another, first be silent yourself. - Latin Proverb

Quote from Haupman :To silence another, first be silent yourself. - Latin Proverb

take your own advice.
hows about you make like a tree and get the hell outa here.
back to the future quote
I thought this whole thing was pretty funny. Thanks for the laughs. I got my refund from lfs and am banned so it's all good. I do have say all you guys are pretty nuts and have some huge egos. Anyways I'm outta here. Enjoy this dead sim that turns away business and hasn't put out anything new in two years.
I'm obviously a bit slow but I just figured out you're the retard who posted on the iRacing forum how to hack iRacing and got instantly banned and lost a years subscription into the bargain! It couldn't have happened to a more worthy candidate.

Now I understand all your anti iRacing/Shannon Whitmore posts plastered all over the internet. You tell people how to cheat iRacing (and more than likely did it yourself) and then slag iRacing off everywhere because they banned you. Unf*****gbelievable stupidity on your part I must say. Not the sharpest tool in the box are you?

Quote from Haupman :I thought this whole thing was pretty funny. Thanks for the laughs.

Yup, it's fairly obvious to everyone that acting like a deranged 10 year old makes you laugh. You're a very sad little boy.

Quote from Haupman : I got my refund from lfs and am banned so it's all good.

Err.. If you're banned how are you still posting?

Still, being banned would be consistent with most other sim racing sites you've joined There's a couple more you'll be banned from soon as well. I made sure of that.

Quote from Haupman : I do have say all you guys are pretty nuts

The irony of that statement wont be lost on us, that's for sure

Quote from Haupman : Anyways I'm outta here.

#42 - 5haz
Quote from Haupman :I thought this whole thing was pretty funny. Thanks for the laughs. I got my refund from lfs and am banned so it's all good. I do have say all you guys are pretty nuts and have some huge egos. Anyways I'm outta here.

Ironic that you're accusing us of what you're clearly guilty of, why do all internet ****wits do this?

Quote from Haupman :Enjoy this dead sim that turns away business and hasn't put out anything new in two years.

There are >900 people currently online, at midday on a weekday.

Also '0mg new contentzzz' dosen't necessarily determine whether a sim is 'dead' or not, people still play GPL in their thousands despite the fact we all waited patiently for nearly a decade for the Targa Florio to be released, thats just one track! Well worth it in the end though.

We all know you're not big enough to leave without the last word.
Your loss Demo leaches.
Sim Bin products are so titled, as that's where you usually find them.
Go home & play forza.

Simulators outside lfs ?
(45 posts, started )