The online racing simulator
AS6R: Possible Modified Chicane
This idea has been tossed about a bit before, and resurfaced tonight.

We have developed a possible modified chicane for use at the first chicane on this track (AS6R).

We'd like to get your thoughts on it, so feel free to chime in here with it. It will be posted on the NDR.GTAL 2011 server, but the standard route left open.

USE OF THIS IS NOT YET DECIDED ON. Your input is requested on your opinion on this. We feel that this will slow down the chicane enough to reduce the benefit of hopping the curb and cut down the risk of a flip in the chicane. It also is expected to help match speeds of cars entering the chicane after pit exit with those on track.

To make the corner, you have to slow down on entry for the left hand element (expected about 120 kph) and then a bit further for the right hand last element.

Two screenshots attached as well as layout (standard chicane open version). Screenshot #1 is looking from entry point, Screenshot #2 is looking from exit point.

This layout is designed by Phil Diaz, Jonathan Palmer with the assistance of Scott "[DucK]" Andrews (who helped us when we first did this somewhere around 7 months ago).

We would like to make a decision on the use by midweek this week (at the latest 1 January) so your rapid testing and opinion-giving is appreciated.
Attached images
Attached files
AS6R_NDR_DPC.lyt - 892 B - 227 views
i can with hands down say that this chicane is fun and challenging, and way more secure that the old way through. +1
Quote from dekojester :We feel that this will slow down the chicane enough to reduce the benefit of hopping the curb and cut down the risk of a flip in the chicane. It also is expected to help match speeds of cars entering the chicane after pit exit with those on track.

theres nothing left to say, because its been nearly the same thoughts i had, great idea, i like it. its also less risky for me flipping the car then in the last 3 minutes of the race
Girlies pppfff

This is not entertaining for the viewer
Quote from Dennis93 :i can with hands down say that this chicane is fun and challenging, and way more secure that the old way through. +1


it is great to try new things, so i suggest this.
Havent tried it myself yet, but it looks good. I neither like that "jumpeti jump" T1, as you would got all bones broken doing that in IRL So this looks like a good "replacement", and something "new"
Quote from JPeace :Isn't this chicane preventing the other cars other than the FZ to roll, and therefore taking the only advantage the FZ had away from it? Looks nice, but I dont think it was really nessasary.

1) Post moved to more appropriate thread.

2) As has been stated in bold in the OP here, the use of this chicane has not yet been decided upon. We are seeking input onto the design and possible use to help us make a determination.

Also, I updated the layout with some minor things, mostly to prevent cars going out of bounds in some places. Feel free to re-download if you plan to use on your server.
Not a bad idea Need to test
Quote from JPeace :Isn't this chicane preventing the other cars other than the FZ to roll, and therefore taking the only advantage the FZ had away from it? Looks nice, but I dont think it was really nessasary.

Well that isnt the only advantage the FZ has in my opinion, and i dont have time to explain because im going to change my laptop for another 1 because this cant play my game, but on the subject, i think its one of the only advantages for the FXR because it has great stability through there and carries more speed through than the FZR does..

I tested the chicane at 2am last night, i was tired, but it was really fun and actually gave the chicane some meaning, didnt drop the lap times by much at all.

So imo, its a great idea.
Hm, this means you can "cut" track and drive as normal AS6R turn and then get penalty ?
Have done some testing, started ignoring the new chicane after 3 laps,so i say no go for this,but that's only my opinion though.
Why not. I always like layouts of this kind, affecting the racing line at specific places. It always brings something new to the game, though it might sometimes look a bit artificial.

I don't know if that'll be more challenging than the orignial one, however it's going to be safer for sure(except for lap 1 maybe?), and it removes the issue of having people cutting with 4 wheels on the grass at the last apex.
T1 was amazing as it was, get that awful thingy off the track
I tried it and didn't like at all, and it just doesn't look right

Aswell, thinking of 28 cars trying to go through T1 and theres that little turn.. o well, hf with the "Yellow flag" button in the insim admins
this kind shikane should have done in fe4 at that green shikane
i dont like it
Just dont like it at all. Whats the sense in making a turn more hard?

Surley you changed it to cause less incidents or smthing, well now there shall be more
should make it less suicidal of a turn
Surely on restarts and on lap 1 it would be more benficial to run the standard chicane instead of that 'thing' :P
I haven't tested this version just yet but still have some pov's on it ...

All chicanes where you can blow through without lifting or braking isn't a chicane. The "Boothy-chicane" in KY3 is a very good exemple how you can make a good track even better. Imho you should had two of them in FE4 and I guess the result from this race makes this discussion about this chicane at Aston. At least you can't blow right trough it without lift or brake. Ok, it's a differens between 160 and 120 and the chicane should be harder to pass from the start, but to change it now should be a bit harsh with such a short notice. After all it's holliday time and the many of the drivers are still in the "palt-coma" stadium - hell, AND some of us aren't sober just yet ...

Anyway, I see this as a good initiative but with too short notice. IF you still want to do this, please make the announcement VERY soon.

Just my :twocents: :wmann3:
For you who just don't know enough swedish:

Palt-coma: (google tranlation of the meaning of the word) The word describes the drowsiness that affects the stopper measured after a hearty meal
#23 - CSF
Not seeing the sense in this myself.
Quote from JackDaMaster :Surely on restarts and on lap 1 it would be more benficial to run the standard chicane instead of that 'thing' :P

^^ That. If it was AS6 the right way round I'd understand the chicane (though arguably making the turn easier wouldn't always be considered good) but reversed you have probably managed to make a dangerous place worse.

What happened here was two yanks went to get engineering help from an aussie and predictably ended up with something that's completely the wrong way up...
At test race on as4r I dont think that we had any problems in first turn?
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