The online racing simulator
Late Server Change
Our server hasnt been setup, so dSRC have kindly loaned us one, passwords will be the same.

dSRC Battlegrounds 3

Just a query, you said the race starts at 19:30 BST(GMT+1) right? Now i'm terrible when it comes to time's, but at the bottom of the page it says all times are in GMT+1 and that its 18:51. But my PC clock is on GMT... Which also says its 18:51, so its still an hour to the race or am i already 20 minutes late :O
#3 - Bean0
Quote from Kaizaka :Just a query, you said the race starts at 19:30 BST(GMT+1) right? Now i'm terrible when it comes to time's, but at the bottom of the page it says all times are in GMT+1 and that its 18:51. But my PC clock is on GMT... Which also says its 18:51, so its still an hour to the race or am i already 20 minutes late :O

We went forward from GMT to BST in March, your PC clock will be showing BST.
Race is 1930 'UK time'
#4 - Vain
It's still 30 minutes until the race.
