If anyone feels that they have too much money on their hands they could always gift me(steam: nightfly7) a BFBC2 as a late christmas present . (though it's currently a sweet deal I've pretty much totalled my budget this month thanks to christmas.)
Thats steam for you, when they changed to the euro they almost doubled their prices in comparison to the dollar they used before. I guess you could get some american to gift it to you and then send the money to him via paypal or similar.
Yep, that's the sad part, i could directly get things from steam by creating virtual credit card on my bankaccount and transfer money to steam thatway, BUT i haven't gotten this to work on paypal and i've tried couple of times before.
7 usd=83.xx eek
13.6 eur= 212.xx eek
That's just ridicilous! Almost 3 times higher price for us!
Well i got Flatout, Flatout 2 and Flatout: Ultimate Carnage. Had to ask for another serial key on Ultimate Carnage tho because was invalid (probably used by some haxor craxor).
Machinarium is awesome, ye. Also, send me all ur moneyz, im almost reachin 2.5€
I've played Machinarium before, it's pretty cool but I looked it up on wiki before I remembered what it was, but on a side note, anyone else notice these Jimmy Wales appeals on wiki, Jimmy appears to look like he's dying more and more on each one? I mean, that last one the guy looks pale as shit!
The only decent sales today are the Crysis and Dirt2 ones tbh, id really want them. But meh, not sure atm. Would still exchange my GTA IV cd key for them.
Borderlands is like 50% off today, could someone buy it for me? I'd pay you back with paypal in a few days since transfering money to paypal takes a couple of days =)