The online racing simulator
Err, so yeah be careful
(153 posts, started )
All use simple phising and social engineering so technically it's not even hacking.
Yes sherlock. " "
I was agreeing with you no need to be all crazy

(shaunthepup463) DELETED by shaunthepup463
(shaunthepup463) DELETED by shaunthepup463 : Hacker might read lol.
(shaunthepup463) DELETED by shaunthepup463
Yay. Thanks guys .
He got me banned from [TC], but unbanned now =).
Im permanently banned in [TC] tho.
Fail xD:

hazaky - Permanently banned - Provoking admins. Now you got what you wanted.
Quote from shaun463 :hazaky - Permanently banned - Provoking admins. Now you got what you wanted.

What's wrong with a bit of trollin'?
Quote from shaun463 :Fail xD:

hazaky - Permanently banned - Provoking admins. Now you got what you wanted.


Dude, im glad im banned in there. And FYI i was banned because an admin crashed into me while i was driving in speed limits and on my lane. And yes, thats all ...

Edit: Not quite sure how "provoking admins" had anything to do with it.
Iphone 4 you get this free very good

I haven't read the whole thread, but that's how my friends gets hacked. I'm just telling everyone: Use common sense, even if you have good antivirus software. Don't click on every link that you see.
Quote from hazaky :Fail?

Dude, im glad im banned in there. And FYI i was banned because an admin crashed into me while i was driving in speed limits and on my lane. And yes, thats all ...

Edit: Not quite sure how "provoking admins" had anything to do with it.

how the hell has this got anything to do with the thread.
I'm joking hazaky xD. Still no luck with hotmail =(. And Ni-san, it wasn't anything to do with anything like that.
Like I said, I didn't read the whole thread. The guy here who got "hacked" was probably just unlucky, but I'm just giving a warning to others. But that was most likely unnecessary of me, because most people on this forum probably understand that.

I've got my hotmail "hacked" once, because it started sending spam to others, and I got "failed to deliver message" pretty often. I changed the password and everything was fine. I'd used the same password since 2001 so I kinda deserved that.
Yeah, some people do some stupid things. I was just targeted.
Quote from shaun463 :Yeah, some people do some stupid things. I was just targeted.

Do me a huge favour, just track the ip. ask hotmaiL or find out somehow... Please, I want to know what rotten bastard blames me. I've got 2 people in my head who hacked you.. Im 100% sure its one of them two.
It's still Bromsgrove, but probably masked.
Quote from Jordan2007 :Please, I want to know what rotten bastard blames me. I've got 2 people in my head who hacked you.. Im 100% sure its one of them two.

Let me jog your memory a bit, might help you to remember who it was

Feel free to take a peek at the attached replay. You appear to be having fun racing around FE2 with "me" whilst everyone else is on FE5. Dave asks you if you're hacking, you just disconnect. Then "I" get banned. But who is your friend? Ooooh lets do an IP check!!!

OK, so that's the guy who hacked me. But seeing as 6 other people including Shaun have got hacked too, go figure...
Attached images
Attached files
hack.mpr - 1.7 MB - 169 views
Hmph. WL as useless as ever...
And here, today, on the LFS Forum, we see a herd of the greater spotted teenager arguing over accounts and who "hacked" who.

/David Attenborough

Seriously though are you such a slob of an armchair warrior to do the whole "OMG TRACE UR IP DEN I HIT U WITH BASEBALL BAT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL".

For example I just did a Geolocation trace of my IP here at the office (our public IP not my local machine numpties) and even though I am sat in Basingstoke, in Hampshire, the Geolocation showed me being in Ireland.

Oh, and I've just done another one and that's showing me as being in the Centre of London (which is no doubt where our ISPs main servers are).

So yeah, trace this persons IP and pack your weapons, 'cause you ain't getting a fight.

PS am rly glad u got ur acc back ok?? srsly i am

Ok back to work LMAO.
I don't really care about the IP lol. I just have records, and if it matches those records, I know who it is .
(Austin31287) DELETED by Victor : spam
(BAMBO) DELETED by Victor : no longer needed
(Austin31287) DELETED by Victor : spam
Talk about epic administrators, that was removed before I could even post an insult!
(Austin31287) DELETED by Victor : spam
What was?
Some guy called something I forgot 12345 or something spammed i herd u liek mudkipz loads of times, then some other guy put "really " and then this guy was like "i would bang you so hard".
#150 - CSF
Was a hacked account. Again.

Err, so yeah be careful
(153 posts, started )