The online racing simulator
Gti Beginner Car Setup
(49 posts, started )
Gti Beginner Car Setup
Im Struggling On Finding A Setup I Am Loosing About 4seconds. Ive Tried To Download One But On My Computer It Doesnt Load Up. So Please Can Someone Be Generous And Send Me A Recommended Setup For The Bl Gp Track?

Thanks Mates
I just got under 1.40 at blackwood after weeks of driving... I don't know what i'm doing wrong. How the hell do ppl get 1.34-35?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
alrighty- downloaded world record at blackwood. After seeing the master in action, i cut a few laps and got 1:37.51. Which is much better! I'm feeling the flow of the track more now, and hotlapping really helps because you're not being hindered by other players/ai.

Also, i'm playing with the mouse, i'm not sure how much of a disadvantage that is. If so- what's a good time for someone using a mouse?

And also, I spend most of the time making textures, which isn't helping my driving any... illepall
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Mouse driver
I've never used the mouse, can you use analog throttle/brake with the mouse setup? I assumed that throttle/brake would be either the keyboard or the mouse buttons, or do some use mouse with peddles?
the best way is throtle/brake on kb and gears change on mouse butons ,analog its imposible

Now this is probably the stupidist question ever, but do you need to have gear shifting set to manual to get a good time, or can you leave it at auto? Because i'm still trying to practice my turns, and changing gears at the same time manually is just another thing to worry about. If the auto does a good enough job, why bother with changing gears too right? Right??

And what about the handbrake? I noticed the ww holder using it just before the first turn, that must swing him around a bit so he can take the corner tighter? Any tips on using the handbrake?

Sorry guys, but I don't drive in reality, I just tend to walk everywhere (living in Melbourne, the public transport is good enough that you don't need a car, and in Istanbul, driving is a nightmare).

What a goddamn noob!!! lol

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote :Like I said above, best thing to do is record a single-player replay of yourself doing a few laps and attach it to your next forum post, then you'll get feedback as to what you could do to improve.

edit:- I'm reading through some of the other posts in the beginner forum, and it's enlightening what people have to say. Like, don't try to mirror the WR holder at first, as he's braking much later and is in much better control of his car; instead try looking at the guys who have slightly better times than you and follow them... It's kindof intimidating watching a perfect run, as you know that there's pretty much no chance that you're gonna get there! As the Turkish say,

yavas yavas (yavash yavash)

slowly slowly...

BTW, when I get time i'll definately post some laps... and thanks Kev!
Don't get discouraged if your progress slows, on a previous set of physics it took me 3 months to go from about 2 seconds slower than the fastest guys to within 1 second.
Quote from cannonfodder :Don't get discouraged if your progress slows, on a previous set of physics it took me 3 months to go from about 2 seconds slower than the fastest guys to within 1 second.

That's true. There is no substitute for practice and experimentation.

Here's a few average laps taken at my current skill level. Any advice you (or others) could give would probably help alot. There are many things I can see wrong in this picture... I mean, I still don't get the first corner- it's either I manage to skid into the barrier, or I brake too much and lose too much speed around, there doesn't seem to be a happy medium with me. Also, the last corner, that's a bit tricky too. I guess all of the corners...

Attached files
Electrik Kar_BL1_XFG_13899.spr - 99.3 KB - 212 views
Hi everyone,

My very first post here (although i browse regularly ), kinda ironic it being giving advice .

Electrik Kar I'm not a very fast driver myself but I can see you let the car slide alot and aren't using the whole width of the road.

I've attached an SPR of me racing using your car (driving on the left feels kinda weird to me) and managed a few 1.36's, although I am using a wheel. But hopefully you'll get a rough idea and it'll help you shave a second or two off.

I'm personally stuck on cracking into 1.34's, so guys expect one of my replays up soon

Attached files
i30i3i3y_BL1_XFG_13617.spr - 96.8 KB - 212 views
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Kev/Thisname... & i30i3i3y

With coaching like this, how could I not get better..?

Here's how I'm doing at the moment- best time:- 1.36.41. Still room for improvement I'm sure- but I feel like I've past some kindof barrier (and not just crashed into one! ). Also, i'm now using PartyBoyU's setup, which I imagine would work better maybe for mousies. I'm loving this game more and more...
Attached files
Electrik Kar_BL1_XFG_13641.spr - 72.9 KB - 218 views
#14 - Jakg
Quote from Electrik Kar :Kev/Thisname... & i30i3i3y

With coaching like this, how could I not get better..?

Here's how I'm doing at the moment- best time:- 1.36.41. Still room for improvement I'm sure- but I feel like I've past some kindof barrier (and not just crashed into one! ). Also, i'm now using PartyBoyU's setup, which I imagine would work better maybe for mousies. I'm loving this game more and more...

your turning in to early at T1 and at Castrol, other than that, good work!
I've practiced a lot over the last couple days... but no progress. I'm continually pulling low .32s at the first split, and mid 1.08s at the second, which nets me high 1.36s -1.37s overall. It's frustratingly fun.

Or funnily frustrating
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Newest fastest time-


But 'twas a bit of a fluke...
#17 - Jakg
post a replay and i'll take a look (i used to be quite good at BL1, 1:33's in Q, i got a 1:34 with u i think then i started learning other tracks)

Internet is down at home atm. I will post soon as it's good to get feedback on how one is doing. When I play LFS I feel like I'm learning to drive, something I've never really gotten around to in real life..

(...however delusional this feeling is, atleast I'm definately learning to play LFS! ).
Just watched the 1:36.41 lap and noticed a few things. First things first... when I point out mistakes and say "you should be doing this and that", don't take it personal.

-Are you still using automatic gear change? Cause if not, you may wanna turn off "throttle cut on upshift" in the player options. This will get you about 1-2km/h more on the straights. Try to use the shift light, too. You sometimes shift up a bit too early.

-Try not to clip the grass in front of turn 1. Dirt on your left front tire will make the car unstable under braking, and I know from experience that a car that changes direction under braking can be difficult to catch for mouse drivers. You may want to stay outside a little bit longer(only a few meters) when turning in for T1, but the exit looks good already.

-Chicane looks very good.

-For T3 (the one after the long straight) you should consider staying outside a little longer too.

-When turning in for the S at the end of the 2nd sector, you should try to be on the power. Lift or brake on the green curb, get back on the power, THEN turn in. Ideally you should be on the power through the whole S. Lifting inside the S makes the car understeer, so you have to slow down a lot to make the turn, and this hurts you on the uphill straight that follows.

-Try to use more of the curb in front of the last corner. This will give you more room to turn and more exit speed. Also, try not to let the car get sideways at the exit of the last turn cause this will cost you a lot of exit speed and time on the straight. If the rear starts to go, catch it quickly.
#20 - MR_B
Quote from thisnameistaken :Another thing you might try is going online and chasing the faster guys, see what they do. Sometimes just by following someone you get into their rhythm and discover how they do certain things faster than you.

And then I get mesmerised by their rear bumper (steady!) and when they crash I just follow them

It's great to see you're loving LFS, soon enough you'll be hooked like we all have.
This thread has some really good beginner advice. I personally am still running 1:38:88 on default setup. There's a lot of things here I need to try that will potentially get my laptimes lower. One thing I learned yesterday was "trailbraking." It's gained me almost 2 seconds on my laptime, but is this something you'd recommend for beginners considering this sort of thing forces me to brake hard and late into turns? (Though, it's allowed me to get on the gas earlier out of the turns, so it CAN'T be bad.)

Also, I'd like to "illustrate" how my normal BL lap goes (considering I'm not at home to upload my laps):

into T1, I seem to brake hard at about the 100m marker (but smooth I hope) while downshifting to 2nd. By the time I'm at the apex of that turn, I hit it to 50% - 80% throttle, and by the time I touch the left side curb, I'm at 100% throttle, and shifting to 3rd through the first part of the chicane making slight wheel adjustments to get through it.

At the end of the straight I start braking hard and downshift to 3rd (but hopefully smooth again) at about 200 - 150m marker. I do the trailbraking thing into the turn, and by the time I get to the apex, I'm 100% throttle. I swing out to the grass part of the curb, then lift off the throttle going into T4 I guess it is.

I'm at 100% throttle halfway through this turn so that I swing out near the wall at the second split time. I shift it into 4th right at the split time.

Coming to the pit turn, I brake hard again at the 50m marker, downshift back to 3rd. And 100% throttle onto the grassy part of the curb by the pit entrance.

I shift up to 4th coming into the left turn before the uphill climb, then back to 3rd again when I get there. This seems to be a difficult turn for me. I lift off the throttle, and kind of feather it until I get through the left turn and floor it to the right turn and straight. It feels like I'm going too slow uphill in 3rd. Maybe I'm not applying throttle early enough, something I'll try when I get home.

Where can I make improvements from this? (Or would it have just been easier to upload a lap)
Quote from afterlife2k :Where can I make improvements from this? (Or would it have just been easier to upload a lap)

Yea, a lap would be great
In general, there is a lot you can learn from checking out the WR replay. Personally I fast-forwarded to the WR lap in MacEST's replay, then I frapsed his lap and put it on my desktop so I could watch it whenever I felt I was doing something wrong, it helped me greatly!

The first thing to do is get the break-points right, then you can work on speed and accuracy later. It takes a lot of skill and experience to be able to lap below 1.35. Just try to make sure that your break points and gears are good, and that you don't hear your tires squeel in the corners, then gradually pick up the pace and find the correct angle to steer in at the right speed.

I guess that's how I did it.
F*ck it. I'm gonna end up buying an S2 License before I hit 1:35, so I might as well buy it sooner than I think.
Quote from afterlife2k :Where can I make improvements from this? (Or would it have just been easier to upload a lap)

Your brake and shift points sound right, except for two things. Braking at 150-200m is way too early for T3. Of course you won't be able to duplicate WR brake points unless you have the tires warmed up perfectly and very good car control, but 110m should be doable. Other then that, try to stay in 3rd gear before the last turn.

Of course all of this will only work if you have a decent setup, not sure about the default ones. I may try and mod a fast set a little to be easier to drive for beginners.
It's been a few days since I played lfs, but in a few days I've been able to get from a rare 1:38:88 to an almost consistent 1:38:14. Thanks for the advice you guys, it's helping. Key things I'm always repeating to myself on the track:

Slow in, Fast out
Drive smooth
Don't apply throttle until you know you'd feel comfortable to apply full throttle

A few notes about my line: I'm slowly improving my line and braking points. Entering T1, I'm still skidding on braking. I have to work on not doing that, and I see how it's fastest to clip the inside curb and swing out and apply full throttle into and through the chicane.

T3 is fun, but I'm taking it easy in that turn for now, until I feel comfortable with applying throttle earlier, to get faster with the exit.

T4 I seem to get a better line entering the turn earlier and easing off the gas until I get to the apex of the first part of the chicane and then I gun it right through there.

The pit turn is pretty much like a shorter tighter T3. I'm feeling comfortable with this.

My most important discovery was in the last set of turns before the hill though. I noticed I've been braking too late and entering the turn too late which makes me slow on the uphill. When I brake earlier and enter earlier, not only can I apply full throttle through the second part of the turn, but the line is much straighter than the way I was entering previously.

1:38:14 may still be pretty slow, but at least I'm learning, and I recognize where my weak points are. Thanks for the help guys.

Gti Beginner Car Setup
(49 posts, started )