The online racing simulator
LFS VideoMode Competition Round 5 : "Reenactments"

Click here for the MainRules


Rules: (made by speed1230, these will not be changed.)

This weeks theme is... Reenactments
- Reenact something from a motorsport like F1 or NASCAR. It could be the last race of the season where a driver is crowned a champion or a fatal crash.

Maximum length of the Video (by speed1230) : NO LIMIT

(by speed1230).

Quote from speed1230 :1. Contestants could put inlays into the video make it a lot more like a real broadcast: ... d.php?p=414778#post414778
2. The video chould have commentary in it (you could usually rip audio from YT vids to get these)

How to :
If you want to show your final video, you have to :
- Post a link of a VideoPortal (e.g. Youtube/Vimeo/etc...)
- Or the Download-Link of your video, if the VideoPortal had blocked it, etc...

Competitions Closes at : Friday, 14th January 2010, 24.00pm CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME (CET).
now this is something i can attempt

all you need is audio channels
Hmm... Interesting, so no one is going to participate?
I'm going to join that round now. - Maybe.
Interesting theme for sure.
Really nobody interrested?
Shall we take some more time or stop the competitions?
#7 - Hahmo
Quote from FireMike15 :Really nobody interrested?
Shall we take some more time or stop the competitions?

It's been christmas and stuff, holidays. Wait
Wouldn't like to see the competitions finish.

In this case, for me anyway, it was just that I couldn't come up with any ideas on the subject matter (even assuming a large crash was meant instead of fatal crash).

Probably time of year didn't help, as I (and probably others) was more fixated on arranging things for Xmas and New Year for past few weeks, and although I've had almost 2 weeks leave, I have had less time to do any sort of project than usual, and any free time has been spent driving on LFS servers.
Well, your right I think. Deadline is at the next friday.
It's not really working out is it? tbh I wouldn't want to see this end after only 5 rounds
Pity. What do you think guys? Continue or end it, because it isn't working as I thought.
maybe make it instead of movies, just clips..cause its obviously much easier to edit a movie together then a maybe 10 second minimum, no limit to time, if they are feeling ambitious.

and if they wanna win they would not stop at 10 seconds, so that gives desire to make it longer.

just a quick thought.
I would like to use new LFS Record, but I can't make a proper video of that images. OK, I'm lazy too now, tbh
Well, very short clips would be an option.
Quote from Litro :I would like to use new LFS Record, but I can't make a proper video of that images. OK, I'm lazy too now, tbh

you just take the sequence of pictures and add them into video track with 25fps and each picture will be 1/25second long (they should add successively according to number in name)...I dont know which video editor you use but in sony vegas it is piece of cake
Bump - I fancy participating in this again, could this round be restarted? I just want to see what people come up with
These things are always popular at the start and then fade off because it's a lot of work to do a proper video. Maybe keep the clips really really short like mentioned earlier (~15 seconds), and not have a lot of rules holding the creator back on his ideas. Just a thought.
Meh I lost my interest to this thing after first 2 rounds. Imo its better just to make vids when I feel like making them
Yes it's hard.
Doing proper videos is really more work than doing photoedits.