The online racing simulator
Running LFS and TS3 together....and losing connection
I just recently downloaded Team Speak 3, and started using it with LFS. I don't have a microphone, so I just listened to my friends and typed back to them on the chat feature. THEN, I'd lose connection. Every time, when both programs were opened, connected, and working well--BOTH would lose connection at almost exactly the same time. The LFS server which I'm on I usually get a very good connection to. No problems prior to this. I don't know, but I think the problem lies with TS3 since I haven't ever had this problem up until now. Any other advice/ideas?
Anyone know anything that could help me out?
#3 - Hahmo
Well i'm not sure but you could just randomly drop out from TS and LFS servers.
Have you lost connection MSN or any related programs while losing connection from LFS&TS
How much bandwidth have you got?

I have heard of TS causing problems for people with low bandwidth when they try to run it with a game online simultaneously.
Where can I check my bandwidth?
any speed tester on the internet should suffice, i prefer myself... what we're really looking for here is upload speed. the more the better.

another thing you didn't mention was if you were running the TS server yourself (as opposed to a remotely-hosted one)... hosting TS yourself requires a lot of upload bandwidth, because it has to retransmit everything that comes in to everyone else who is listening.

I got 0.29 as my upload speed. Doesn't seem too good.
Anyone know anything about this problem? I need to get it worked out.
Whats the internet line spec. from ISP you pay for?
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Whats the internet line spec. from ISP you pay for?

Like I said, I'm computer stupid. Could you say that as you would to a 1st grader? That'd help me out.

I have Windstream Internet....

Here is the results from a test I did on the internet:

Last Result:
Download Speed: 1297 kbps (162.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 314 kbps (39.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Monday, February 07, 2011 8:02:28 PM
ts3 might be blocked by a router. if you use a router to connect to the internet, you might need to ask someone with a bit more knowledge to help you configure the router to allow ts3 to connect.
it sounds like your transmitions (text) is being blocked by either your router/internet security, or the host is blocking you. is ts3 hosted on a dedicated server or does one of your friends run a server on their own computer? if ts3 is hosted on a friends computer, get them to check to see if your ip address has been blocked (they can check this in the firewall logs).
Quote from EricB271 :
I have Windstream Internet....

Your provider has 3 tarif plans so you should know. It cant be that hard.
You dont know what you have ordered and pay for? ... and-Internet-service.html

If you have Windows Vista or Win7. Click on Start button. Then you have "Search program and files" field. Type there "CMD" and press enter. Then type
"ping -n 20" and then post us here results. Just curious whats your response and if you have any packet loose. High ping or packet loose my tend to instability of connection to any program.

If you run any DCC+ or Torrent/Emule etc programs then switchem them off. They tend to make trouble with LFS.

Eric seems does not have anything blocked in his router as it works for some time and then he loose suddenly connection when both running at the same time. If the ports would be blocked then he would not make it running at all. TS use same port for both voice and chat.