Hello world.
I'm trying to code a new co system for an insim.
also with buttons and buttons and buttons,
for gving police informations to the player that dont know what a chat is.
Else I want it to;
- if butsted there will be a button to officer.
- there will be a line to set fine and to set reason, a button for Fine and one for Release..
- if click to release , chat should say "OfficersName" warned "BadGuysName"
- if click to fine, Open button to the busted BadGuy , this button should say..
"Fine: + Entered fine of Officer/Cadet"
"Reasoon: + Entered Reasoon of Officer/Cadet"
"Acept" Button
- if click to accept the money should get fined of the BadGuy and the Officer should reward this.
and all chase things should be resetted to no chase after fining or releasing.
Also my codes atm are;
### if busted , ButtonToOfficer ###
# Button to set Fine #
u can click the text , and enter a amout, bt if u click ok the amout dont get saved in this button.
# Button to set Reasoon #
The same Problem , entering is ok but save is Fail
Also I need more the entered words / amounts should be saved in this button.
and if click to fine button..
the BadGuy should get the button and the Fine: should be the entered in of the officer.
reason to and if click to Accept,
should the money get fined and go to officer
*** im failing since 6 days and this what i have atm i got more than much help of a good friend too, becasue i dont know how it works ..
I'm trying to code a new co system for an insim.
also with buttons and buttons and buttons,
for gving police informations to the player that dont know what a chat is.
Else I want it to;
- if butsted there will be a button to officer.
- there will be a line to set fine and to set reason, a button for Fine and one for Release..
- if click to release , chat should say "OfficersName" warned "BadGuysName"
- if click to fine, Open button to the busted BadGuy , this button should say..
"Fine: + Entered fine of Officer/Cadet"
"Reasoon: + Entered Reasoon of Officer/Cadet"
"Acept" Button
- if click to accept the money should get fined of the BadGuy and the Officer should reward this.
and all chase things should be resetted to no chase after fining or releasing.
Also my codes atm are;
### if busted , ButtonToOfficer ###
# Button to set Fine #
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2Condition 1 max fine ^1$300", "Type the Fines", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK, 5, 60, 70, 70, 43, 43, Conn.UniqueID, 40, false);
u can click the text , and enter a amout, bt if u click ok the amout dont get saved in this button.
# Button to set Reasoon #
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^1Type the Reason of Chase", "Type the Reason", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK, 5, 60, 75, 70, 48, 48, Conn.UniqueID, 40, false);
The same Problem , entering is ok but save is Fail
Also I need more the entered words / amounts should be saved in this button.
and if click to fine button..
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^1Release", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_LIGHT | Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK, 5, 10, 85, 110, 126, Conn.UniqueID, 40, false);
the BadGuy should get the button and the Fine: should be the entered in of the officer.
reason to and if click to Accept,
should the money get fined and go to officer
*** im failing since 6 days and this what i have atm i got more than much help of a good friend too, becasue i dont know how it works ..