Skunk i know were you are comming from and its nice that would want a fellow racer to get some points but it would just start fights. Like X-Ter said it is impossable for us to watch every replay from each player....I try to go through the replay best i can and sometimes that means 2 times so we do try but its impossable to do it from everyone. We hope you understand why we cant give points out just for the sake of it because we gota make everyone happy.
well, actually we don't, as noone else was making any requests for it. this here is the same as the case with crossing the yellow line during piting where one driver got a time penalty after a protest, 10 other drivers didn't because there was no protest against those. so, obviously, any claims or protests are only case specific. "Vote is open for 24 hours after it has been posted and every driver has vote", therefore noone from race 1 can come up with any claim or ptotest now.
understandably you don't watch the replay of every driver, therefore only reported cases are being considered. now i reported a specific case and was asking for consideration. isn't that exactly what you want?
x-ter, if you say
I sure wish BurnOut could have his points
then there surely should be a possibility to let all drivers vote in this specific case. that's all it would take to do in my opinion.
if i would file 15 protests about all drivers of the last race who didn't have the required DTM-numberplates on their cars or their driver name written in the required color (the 3 leaders of the series) would those have to be considered? or would you deem such protests ridiculous and disregard them? well, i would. i regard such protests just as ridiculous as that protest about a driver crossing a yellow line. the difference there was that that was the only way to get to that race winner. x-ter, you know what i'm talking about here (see that one email i once sent you), therefore i will not go into that here again.
there is a double standard applied here. if we stick to the exact words of rules only when it pleases us or serves our interests but in other cases feel lenient enough to bend or even disregard them then seemingly something goes rather wrong. not, of course, in the eyes of a driver who is gaining from such a procedure.
anyway, i made my case here and that's enough said from my side. i'll be focusing on preparation for the next race now.
...and i hope i won't forget to put the DTM-plate on my skin again
I'm so damn tired of people worrying about telepitting. The GAME already punnishes you in TIME for doing it. Get over it people!
Next you'll have a stupid rule like "No Spinning tires while exiting the Pits" Talk about a BULL SHIT Rule via the Le Mans 24 Hr race and series. illepall
Yes, and it's a battle for positions all the way donw to 6:th place in the European division
Only 6 points between 1:st and 2:nd in the North american division, but look at the fight for third and there after
Talk about nailbiter
By request (and common sence) the last race for the North American division in the FakeDTM series will be postponed on full day. It's 4:th of July, and I don't wanna have to explain to the trackmarshals why a bunch of drunk people try to race, when they really should be lying down
So... European division will go as usual and the North American division will go one day later than usual. Questions? No? Good!
Yes, but at least then they will not have too much confindence in themselfs right? Might even be a fairly clean and a bit slow race? Laptimes will tell I guess, hehe
And here they are. After 10 races this season, the standings for the European division have been counted together.
I'd like to thank B11TME and [ITEK] for hosting the races and I would like to especially mention how much I appreciate drivers who show up for the races. Four of the drivers was there for EVERY single race and deserve an extra mention in the series. They are:
Bo Kristiansen
Pedro Silva
--- Edit ---
Also the Norht American results are now counted together. I'd like to congratulate P.Laan to the over all victory in the series.
I wish I could have made it to more of the races, but after the first race I had some pedal problems, then once they were finally fixed I wasn't really interested in the league.
The races I did make it to were alot of fun, no doubt you will see me at more of them next season, looking forward to it.
And Congrats Keith, and to Bo for being the unofficial temporary Champion. :P
LMAO...Well that ended up closer than i planned After feeling good about the last race of the season since i know the track and car very well i was shocked to see some of the things that happend in the game....little like bugs But hey..i won the champs anyway Looking forward to the new season of SimFIA DTM....Well hosted event magnus thanks...