Is the World Going Downhill?
(36 posts, started )
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :True enough. But it seems they are still a little short sighted...

Think of the marketing campaigns, though! I have visions of the shelter from 'The Island' in my head. Everything all white, and clean...

Quote :...or just don't want to go public about investing in what is seen as their competition. Mostly because I bet a few of the giants (BP to name one) would lose access to wells in the middle east if they went public about investing in a power supply that would mean the oil nations out there would have nothing to export.

Hmm... that's a very good point. Politics ruin everything. All the time. Always.
Politics is designed to ruin everything. That is why busy bodies get involved in it, to get in the way and stop progress.
I agree,world is so going downhill,I just lost my 10cents
Quote from S14 DRIFT :
Hydrogen is, as I'm sure you're aware, the most abundant substance on earth. .

Maybe in the universe....
Essentially everything is made in and from stars (H + He) However the most abundant substance on/in the Earth is Iron, and the most abundant gas is Nitrogen.
The H Fuel cell is a good invention but I think its pretty limited in a portable capacity.
As for the generation of mass power nuclear power stations are looking like the best option until either solar can be more efficent or the work going on with Helium-3 and 7 or other "future" fusion based solutions become a reality.

Quote from Cornys :I think that there are only 3 things capable of ending this world at the time being:

1. Nuclear Warfare that goes uncontroled
2. Disese
3. Asteroid/Astronomical Event (This is least likely yet, and science may find a way to prevent some of these from effecting us shortly)

I agree with 1 and 2 IIRC any nuclear blasts causes ozone to be depleted massively with an output of something like 4 or 5,000 tons of Nitric oxide produced for every megaton of explosive power, thats why all the testing was moved underground.
As for the Asteroid or comet impact being least likely, I don't think its as unlikley as most people think, with some things wizzing around the sun at crazy fast speeds and new solar system objects descovered all the time its bound to happen at some point, maybe even in our lifetime.

Isn't our planet supposed to be overdue a huge volcanic event?

When you stop to think about how insignificant we are in the global machine its understandable how alot of people just don't seem to care about saving energy, living greener, eating healthy or even not littering (man that winds me up seeing people throwing Mcdonalds bags out of their cars ) global warming natural or man made I'm sure our oil rich, gas guzzling, junk food eating, TV watching, lfs playing lifestyle is acting as a catalist.

As for the music scene the charts have been full of rubbish for years But then I am officially an oldie isint it all cyclic anyway

we just need to divert power from life support for 5 minutes (just make sure you're not wearing a red sweater when it happens). then we'll have world peace, the hole in the ozone will be fixed and jedward will be placed in a superman like prison thing.
Quote from dadge :we just need to divert power from life support for 5 minutes (just make sure you're not wearing a red sweater when it happens). then we'll have world peace, the hole in the ozone will be fixed and jedward will be placed in a superman like prison thing.

Make it so.
Quote from anttt69 :No, Earth is currently orbiting its star.

Im kind of from the radiohead era. Do you like Bush, Smashing Pumpkins, Muse?

Muse's older albums were good. takes some time getting used to their newer prog rock. I think i'll explore more of smashing pumpkins soon. Haven't heard of bush.

Quote from RasmusL :Global warming doesn't even exist, yeah.. Pretty sure anthropogenic climate change is real though. The difference mostly exists in that we aren't sure that we're actually causing a warmer climate. It's just changing because of us.

I stopped thinking about the consequences of global warming a year ago. Don't really care about it too much right now. My geo teacher thinks that we're going to see a huge war between india and china because of the Himalayan glacier melt.

Quote from Cornys : 2. Disease (This is always at the same possibility rate and has lessened recently due to medical advances in the last 100 years)

You mean the day when antibiotics don't work and we'll suddenly have a disease like HIV which spreads through the air like smallpox?
And thanks for not looking at my profile page. I'm 14.
Quote from MAGGOT :RE: Global Warming: It's a mute point. Weather we are causing a climate shift or not, our footprint should be significantly reduced for general quality of life reasons. Not to mention fossil fuels will run out, and we don't have a viable replacement in time we're screwed. Solve that problem, and global warming will be more or less sorted.

Quote from ethan520 :first post

yes, it is, many of those are serious problems, but people just dont pay attention because they are not directly affected...its like cancer or AIDS, you just don't care until one of your relatives or YOU are not the one who has it

I'm personally doing the best I can to NOT support global warming, save energy, avoid debt economy etc...its not that hard, but some people just won't give up some things and most stupid childish argument is "one person won't change anything"...
Typical example is a car. Parents buy a car. Boy turns 18 and wants his own car because a single family now has 2 cars. Because boy is not "rich" enough to buy a proper new ecological car, he buys an old one, which has enormous fuel consumption (especially in USA) and produces lots of CO2. Now...who cares? The boy? nah...parents? double nah...His friends/relatives/neighbours...anyone? no...why? because lots of people have cars, so why can't he?
But the result of these actions are now affecting everyone everywhere on the planet. Even a single person can change it.
If you sit 8 hours at a computer a day nothing bad happens, but if you set there for an year, every day, suddenly you notice there's something wrong with your spine (maybe you feel pain in your arms when you sneeze) - same thing with global warming, by very small pieces for a very long time it gets worse...
Maybe some people who turned 18 and buyed their own cars will think something bad about me, but I don't care.

Today world allows you to live your life without thinking of others, but it is not possible to live like that anymore...
And the music thing...sapere aude

So, the easiest thing one can do is wait for spring/summer and plant at least 2 trees
Yes and let's become a vegetarians also everybody!

Is the World Going Downhill?
(36 posts, started )