The online racing simulator
how to make a insim
can some one make a video on how to make a insim

(Silverracer) DELETED by Silverracer : Proven wrong multiple times!
I can learn u how to code a insim
joordy you cant code you just can change colors and some words .
Quote from joordy599 :I can learn u how to code a insim

Dude how are you going to teach him how to code when you dont know how to make a varible between money.

Quote from leonv8 :can some one make a video on how to make a insim


i doubt that any one will teach you, cause these days people do things on their own but if someone is willing to help you then your lucky.

And also dont ask too much cause they will get annoyed by that(like what yuo did to me).
Quote from marcel1 :joordy you cant code you just can change colors and some words .

you must shut up i must just learn some things in the begin but i can code now
Quote from leonv8 :can some one make a video on how to make a insim

Any reason you can't use either of the 2 most widely used insim's (LFSLapper and Airio) that are currently available?
Quote from joordy599 :you must shut up i must just learn some things in the begin but i can code now

changing button and some texts isnt codeing ^^
/endthread before things get out of hand
You can always download a library, and start learning the programming language it was written on. You can experiment on the insim library, as you are learning the language.

Also, you can not make "an InSim".
Only the LFS developers develop the InSim itself. You are developing an InSim application. But that's a common mistake, and it's not fatal, so you can ignore what I just said.

Anyway, here are some libraries:
The Python Library (pyinsim 2.0). Written (obviously) on Python.

The Spark InSim Library. Written on C#. Requirement: .NET Framework 4.0. Or, download the whole Visual C# Express 2010, I believe that should install the .NET Framework 4.0 as well.

The CInSim Library. A C++ Library. I wouldn't recommend that as a start tho. Low level programming manages to spin my head quite easily, so I wouldn't recommend it to any new programmer, that doesn't have a really serious motive to learn it.

The JInSim Library. Written on Java. Instructions on how to get and start programming on Java can be found on the 4th post in that thread. I will quote it, so it would be easier anyway.
Quote from rheiser :1. Make sure you have java installed. You can download a JDK from if you don't. If you can type "java -version" at a command line and get version information, you're on your way.

2. Download JInSim from SourceForge. Go to and click the big green Download button to download the zip file. The current one is

3. Unzip somewhere on your hard drive that's handy.

4. Look at the README file inside the newly unzipped directory. There's some information there on how to run the "Hello World!" example. Once you have that working, you're well on your way.

To start off with, you may just want to edit simple java files with your favorite text editor, figure out how to compile them with javac and run them. Once you're comfortable with that, you can download one of the freely available Java IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans. I use Eclipse, because that's what I use at work. I actually prefer IntelliJ, but that's a (spendy) commercial package. If you have any questions, let me know.


There is also LFS_External. Also written on C#. But however, I, personally, wouldn't recommend that library anymore. Spark, imo, is far more freer, because you have a higher control in packet handling(if that made any sense to you... or anybody in that matter..). Also, Spark's source is available, so you can do as much tweaking as you like to the actual library. While LFS_External's (source) is not.

And here are some example tools/applications, using some of these libraries:
InSimSniffer - Using it's own library (DarkInSim), which is, afaik, an older version of Spark. This application tracks the transfer of packets between itself and the server. It is very helpful if you want to learn more about packets, and right.

Open Source Cruise Application - using LFS_External. This is a basic cruise application, providing a few vital systems, which are needed for the cruise InSim application to actually be... a cruise InSim application.

Open Source Racing Application - Also using LFS_External. This is a racing application, which makes it so every race is limited to 1 car. The winner of the current race picks the car for the next race. There is also a weak attempt for a scoring system, which works with a database. The SQL files are there.

More Libs and Tools can be found in the LFS Programming Libs and Tools forum. There are more around the forum, but this is the main place for them.

Hope I've helped. Please, correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.
(Silverracer) DELETED by Silverracer
1) I know it was a complete waste of time
2) I know it has no educational purpose whatsoever
3) I know it's rubbish

Anyway, this is a wannabe-tutorial video how to write the simplest InSim app in C++ using CInsim lib.
My motivation to do this is to demonstrate what is involved in writing an InSim app and hopefully encourage people to learn some programming basics before they go spamming all over the forum, requesting to know "how to do an insim"
Quote from MadCatX :1) I know it was a complete waste of time
2) I know it has no educational purpose whatsoever
3) I know it's rubbish

1. Imo, it wasn't, because it helped me a lot.
2. However, it helped me learn the basic C++ syntax.
3. It is well commented, which is exactly what helped me understand everything.

Really, thanks a lot for this. For me at least, it was quite helpful.

But maybe it is that way, because I was learning C++ some few months ago, and I'd love to dig deeper into it, but I don't have much time lately.

Also, since it helped me, maybe I could help you with a mirror (or 2 ). Tell me if you want me to take those down.
1: ... /
2: ... /
Well... that kinda backfired, didn't it? Let's see how many people can actually get some useful info outta it. And BTW, I just realized that I should've called "insim.isclose()" before exiting to properly close the socket. It's also no really apparent in the video but syntax like "struct* IS_BTC" is complete nonsence, to make the code compile it has to be "struct IS_BTC*" (pointer to a struct of type IS_BTC). I said it was rubbish after all, didn't I?

Many thanks for mirroring the file broken, I don't think it's gonna stay on the for a long time.
Yeah, the pointer part got me confused for a second, but what I remember is: "make a pointer to that variable", and not "struct* IS_BTC", so if you know a bit of the basics, I guess it shouldn't be too difficult to understand what's going on.

And um, no problem about the mirroring. Just for informational purposes: will die on 06.06. Anyway, the other one should be staying strong. ^^
I love the concept of pointers, but some times implementing them just blows. Actually, I was going to use some pretty epic pointer math for the C++ version of PRISM, but that's a long way off (if it ever happens at all.) Although the math would be done by the compiler as it would uses structs. But that's neither here nor there.
Yeah, pointers are neat. BTW, if you consider porting PRISM to C++, I'd totally be interested...
Quote from MadCatX :Yeah, pointers are neat. BTW, if you consider porting PRISM to C++, I'd totally be interested...

Lol. Soo nothing for c#?
Quote from mariuba2 :Lol. Soo nothing for c#?

If you mean some "howto" video, I don't think I'm up to the job. My C# knowledge is very limited and there is also a boatload of libs (LFS_External, InSim.NET,...) I could use (or not use any at all) and each of them has a different API.

I'm not aware of another C/C++ library and CInsim is just a tiny layer between OS sockets and application, so I could demonstrate the way InSim (and network communication) works with less level of abstraction than i.e. C# would allow me to.

However, if people express the wish for more videos like mine, it can encourage other devs to create something for other languages and libs too.
Quote from MadCatX :If you mean some "howto" video, I don't think I'm up to the job. My C# knowledge is very limited and there is also a boatload of libs (LFS_External, InSim.NET,...) I could use (or not use any at all) and each of them has a different API.

I'm not aware of another C/C++ library and CInsim is just a tiny layer between OS sockets and application, so I could demonstrate the way InSim (and network communication) works with less level of abstraction than i.e. C# would allow me to.

However, if people express the wish for more videos like mine, it can encourage other devs to create something for other languages and libs too.

Hmm ok cool, that would really help others, and most learners use LFS_External, but that would be pretty cool if you guy(experts) make tutorial videos. I was thinking of making one with LFS_External source but the only thing I would show in the tutorial is, how to make buttons, how to use BTC how to Delete a button, etc. Some easy stuff like that cause you know when you start out on simple things then when you get comfortable and know a better understanding of thing you work on harder stuff. =]
OK - I was bored, so here is a test that shows how to quickly create a InSim program using C# and InSim.NET (which is Spark 2.0).

It's not a perfect video, still fiddling to try and get it right, but hopefully it should work OK. It's the first time I've made something like this, so feedback may or may not be appreciated.
Quote from DarkTimes :OK - I was bored, so here is a test that shows how to quickly create a InSim program using C# and InSim.NET (which is Spark 2.0).

It's not a perfect video, still fiddling to try and get it right, but hopefully it should work OK. It's the first time I've made something like this, so feedback may or may not be appreciated.

Nice... its nice to see developers making tutorial videos.
Quote from DarkTimes :OK - I was bored, so here is a test that shows how to quickly create a InSim program using C# and InSim.NET (which is Spark 2.0).

It's not a perfect video, still fiddling to try and get it right, but hopefully it should work OK. It's the first time I've made something like this, so feedback may or may not be appreciated.

Hope you don't mind. I've taken the freedom to mirror this too. And again - just tell me in case you want it down, and it will be. ... ...

Also, @MadCatX & DarkTimes: Would you mind if I rename your files?
One would be, say insim_tut_c_cpp_madcatx.mp4, and the other, maybe For logic's sake, since they are in the same folders. I will do it only if you say yes.
I don't have a problem with that, but I suggest the name of the library used to create a sample app be included in the name of the file too. Something like "". It's also worth noting that CInsim uses a C++, NOT plain C code and can't be compiled as such.
I attached a slightly corrected source of the sample app I wrote in the tutorial video, could you please create an archive with both the video and the source and upload in to your mirrors? Thanks.
Attached files
sampleinsim.cpp.txt - 3.4 KB - 352 views
Okay, if any other tutorials are provided here, I will probably mirror them. If any of you want your files down - pm me or reply here.

Just use these links to find the one you are searching for: and

Listing is enabled, so you will see what files are in there.

If they become much (if that's possible :razz, I am accepting suggestions for folder structure. Actually, if you think it would be better, you can give suggestions from now too.