uN|GTi Raceways server!
Hello racers! today i have opened a new GTi server.
The uN|GTi Raceways, the server have Airio tracker for recording the laptimes, soon in the website can found the points ranking and the hotlap ranking! the server have the rotation of the tracks every 4 races, visit the server!

NAME SERVER: uN|GTi Raceways

someone have some tips for the server?

Can you make it more specific, buddy. GTi Server is like?

1 Track Only Server?
Car and Track Rotation Server?
Free For All Mix Car Class?
and where is your Website URL?
Quote from Deejayyaj :Can you make it more specific, buddy. GTi Server is like?

1 Track Only Server?
Car and Track Rotation Server?
Free For All Mix Car Class?
and where is your Website URL?

Only the GTi class " XRG & XFG" with a rotation of tracks,
for the website need to wait some days, work in progress

for this week only race on the server, from monday i think the points and hotlap tables are ready with the website.

i wish can like this type of races server!

ayt XFG and XRG So the server is still in testing mode right? we will try your server soon.

Thanks for the info buddy,
#5 - Danas
Just what we needed
Brings back some memories.
Finally server that offers close racing and not mixed with too overpowered cars.
I will try it out
Ye i do that for come back race like one old ctra server, i know is not like ctra but the cars are so good for all!
good news . Thank you for opening a gti server. I'll try it soon.
thanks for the support!
#10 - e.M
i appreciate this, just keep it simple
from 2pm to 11pm when i left the server dont stop to make a race! and some racer still racing, good night and if you want, cya tomorrow on the tracks!

Today's modify of setting:
Tracks: SO6 --> FE2 --> FE1R --> BL1R --> SO1 --> FE3R --> BL1 --> SO5 --> FE1
Rotation every 5 race!

Today added SO3 9 laps!
nice to have a gti s2 serv ):
Quote from NumberTwo :nice to have a gti s2 serv ):

Duuude,there are many servers like that. I would like to have a popular GTi server but people never seem to be interested in these kind of servers
uN|GTi Raceways **OFFICIAL OPEN**
Hello racer! today the beta testing is finished and start the races with the full service! The previous hotlap and points ranking are reset, finally the hard work on the website/database is finished! in the website you can find the hotlaps ranking for the all tracks of the our server and the points ranking! the setup repository with the tracks setting and you can also upload the ur setting for help the others players, there you can find the skins and report the bad drivers players & offensive,the forum for do some talk with the others!

The website is: http://www.unlimitedkmh.tk/

TRACKS:SO6 --> FE2 --> SO3 --> FE1R --> BL1R --> SO1 --> FE3R --> SO5R --> FE1 --> SO4 --> FE2R

The uN|GTi Raceways, the server have Airio tracker for recording the laptimes, the server have the rotation of the tracks every 5 races, visit the server!

NAME SERVER: uN|GTi Raceways

someone have some tips for the server?

Your site could use some minor proof reading errors on grammar, but looks interesting. Ill stop by soon maybe
Quote from Bmxtwins :Your site could use some minor proof reading on grammar, but looks interesting. Ill stop by soon maybe

Maybe you better proof read over your own post first..
Uhm, good luck, but:

Quote from TCRluca :TRACKS:SO6 --> FE2 --> SO3 --> FE1R --> BL1R --> SO1 --> FE3R --> SO5R --> FE1 --> SO4 --> FE2R

Why only S1 tracks(and why so few tracks in general)?
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Uhm, good luck, but:

Why only S1 tracks(and why so few tracks in general)?

because this tracks are easy to learn and do a close races, when we got more activity can put some other tracks
Allright then. Though I belive FE3 and BL1 could be good additions
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Allright then. Though I belive FE3 and BL1 could be good additions

BL1 is in the DEMO server always by me FE3 will be added!
This is a very nice server, no lag, friendly admin.
Yep really nice,good admin and friendly people there
thanks guys! see you on the track