The online racing simulator
New LFS server called (Real) Czech road cruise - hard
Hi there, i invite you all on my first new LFS server, its called Real road cruise, IP is, its about 2 lanes racing. Its first server of that type. Its without insim yet. I am not programmer, so i must make something with my C++ skills. ( i am electro-highschool student)
You have question why i make this server? Why it should be good? I like to cruise, drift, race etc.. I have played on many servers. Last time i like more and more real drive. ( i am 23 YO) So i made today track with defined 2 lines. The lines are thin, so its about skill when you want to drive quick and without mistakes. Track is SOR5, so its fresh and its finnished.
On the track are many parking places but main road is everywhere only 2 lines. I have some basic cruise insims whitch i will remake to my own. If someone have some time, i will appreciate help. The insim will be not so big and hard.
For start i will have on server this gadgets: car dealer with all car ( beside all formulas - cause you dont see formulas in city )
Everyone must start with UF1 and make some money on XRG(will be more expensive than=>) XFG.
Youll earn points for kilometers. I want to use piting fines ( like on LTC). You can pit only in garage. Repairs/ tyres and fuel will cost money. Selling cars will give you only 70% of money. In past time i will have car dealer on defined place, so you can buy/sell only when you stay on this place. ( old pits for example)

If someone will help me with these insim, it will be nice. I saw some cruise insims and it should be for medium programmer not so hard. Thanx. My ICQ 177352412, come to try the server without insim, maybe you will program for me the insim. Sorry for my english i never learned english in school.

Look at images and come to testplay.. Bye Georg..
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lfs 4.jpg
Didn't you just say your server is different to others but by the looks of it you will do excactly the same as all other boring cruise servers.

And whats the point of creating another one when there is like 20 of em allready. I know it is cool trying to make your own server with whatever you want but i think it is best for you just stick to one of the current servers

Edit: Since its your first post i take it you aren't that active and havent been around too much, but have a look on other servers.
Quote from aroX123 :Really?
Didn't you just say your server is different to others but by the looks of it you will do excactly the same as all other boring cruise servers.

And whats the point of creating another one when there is like 20 of em allready. I know it is cool trying to make your own server with whatever you want but i think it is best for you just stick to one of the current servers

none of servers have 2 thin lines without barrier and with limited place behind side line. They have 2 different lines ( divided by barrier - but thats boring). Look at pics and try it before damnation. My track is more like real road. Man when i dont had good idea i will not made this server. I play LFS about 5 year and till now i dont made any track/server. So i think i got some hidden ideas.. I will make it hardcore server. I play LFS from 2005, i dont have posts cause i like more driving than forum posting.
(KiRmelius) DELETED by Victor : spam
At least it's something special, I could try it once, even when I am not a big cruise fan.
Looks good, Gonna try it out.
Quote from Flame CZE :At least it's something special, I could try it once, even when I am not a big cruise fan.

in finish the server will be not only cruise... it will be real right side racing/cruise/drift server and if you will you can use left line for overtaking slow cruisers and quick driving. ( but left line only for ovetaking) there is both direction driving, so you must let the place for opposite direction riders.
new info
so, the server without insim working fine. i´ve downloaded some cruise tutor, i change it, but i cant debug it. I need to change there admin pass and i have read about that you need to debug it after this change. So i give here my cruise insim and ask for debug from you and sending it here back. As you see the insim is simple, but for begining i will have only car selling and buying + money acquiring. Thanx

edit: new picture.

btw: server isnt 24/7 cause its running on my desktop PC. ( dedi) Ill start it every day. When Insim will be ok, it should be 24/7 server.
Attached files
CruiseTutorial1.rar - 1.2 MB - 226 views
server have new name, now is called Czech road cruise - hard, cause word Real wasnd good, too many servers called real, but arent real.
So this is the first idea of simple insim. if someone can build that, ill be happy.

Kilometer bonus:
1 round - 500
5 round without pit (crash or car change) = + 1000 bonus
10 rounds = +2k bonus, etc with 20laps, etc with 40laps.. (2x more bonus after 2x more laps)

car selling = only 50% money back

you cant go to pit from the track ( teleport)
you must drive to pit. It will cost 350 ( shift+P), so sometimes will be better wait on someone who helps you from the roof on wheels.

( i repaired the track, so now are all places avaible to get there, when you crash and jump everywhere on wheels or somebody help you ( if you jump on roof ), you can drive to pit,repair and drive) On some ( most of) servers are blocked places - if you jump there, its no way out and your kilometer bonus is in hell (you must shift+p, cause noone can help you). Thats new idea of server.

pitting fine - 350 ( fast 1 round of driving)

pits will be only 1 way, so wrong way pits = 400 fine and speeding in pits = 200 fine

out of track fine: 500 = 1 lap

no idle kicking, you can stay in parkplace how long you will. ( there is many parkplaces)

startmoney 500 ( for 1 reset or 1 out of track fine) and UF1

=> after 5 rounds without crash => 2500 for km and 1k bonus for 5 laps and 2k (for UF1 selling) = 5500
so the UF1 will cost 4 k
XFG 5 k
XRG 5,5 k

after next 15 rounds with XRG youll have 10,5 k and when you sell XRG (for 2,750), youll have 13,250k

=> FXO 12,5k
XRT 13 k
RB4 13,5k
after next 30 rounds and sell some of these car youll have around 28k

=> RAC 26 k
LX6 27,5k
FZ5 29,5k

=> UFR 50k
XFR 55k

=> FXO GTR 65k
FZ5 GTR 77k

dunno... use licence points or not? when yes, 5 laps XRG + XFG licence
20 laps FXO, XRT, RB4
50 laps RAC, LX6, FZ5
100laps UFR, XFR
150 - 200 all opened

Server works 2 days. Max players was there 8 and it was fun. Everyone ask on insim so its necessary to make it.. ( web we can make too, but its not necessary)
Thank Georg.
Never understand why "cruise" around in a Sim like LFS

TDU is far better to drive around, without sense.
Quote from Xenix74 :TDU is far better to drive around, without sense.

It has gay physics (if any) which makes it boring.
Xenix74: yeah, TDU? Are you kidding me? Ill played it to the end, but its only arkade... You cant compare it to to LFS.


START WITH UF1 and with !HELP, there you can see every rules and infos.
Yay for more cruise...
Quote from DevilDare :Yay for more cruise...

i like peoples who degrade work of some another person before trying it. and btw.: it isnt direct cruise setup. You can drift, race, cruise, drag, everything you want, but in your right line. ( left for oposite dirrection and overtaking) Its like in real life, and thats on none of servers.

today i start insim and the server is really really different to all another cruise servers.
As people here say, cruising ain't my table, but I wish you the best of luck with the project!
Quote from The Very End :As people here say, cruising ain't my table, but I wish you the best of luck with the project!

thanx man, ill hope that youll try it sometime.. Its not only about cruise.. When you like driving in real car ( anywhere), youll like my server.
Wellll... sure why not.. I might aswell come raving drunk on it someday
New name- [ A] Town Cruise CZ, cause the the [/A] team wanna train on my server. For fun, why dont try it. More people, more fun... >D