You may find the 2011 iCON Touring Car Championship Regulations on the NDR website.
iTCC 2011 Regulations
The NDR Sporting Code contains some things that will be applied when judging incidents etc, but the main carry points are in the iTCC Rules, but worth a look at the Sporting Code if you're not already somewhat familiar with it.
Some important things:
Car, Skins, and Name Format
FXR with 32% restriction
R4 tyres are not allowed to be used in any session
Skin kit with car number must be applied to skin, and posted in the skins thread
Name format: 00 M. Booth, white number, coloured name allowed
Success Ballast
Ballast shall be given for the following positions:
1st - 30kg 2nd - 25kg 3rd - 20kg 4th - 15kg 5th - 10kg 6th - 5kg
After each race the ballast weights will be scrapped and recalculated; ballast will not be accumulated.
Before each round, the top 6 in the championship will be given ballast, and shall carry the ballast for qualifying and race 1 at the next round
For races 2 and 3 at each round, the top 6 in the previous race shall carry ballast
Championships and Points
Drivers championship, all rounds count .
Teams championships, all rounds count - best 2 drivers per team score in each race, no bonus points awarded.
BTCC points system: 15-12-10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1, with 1 point for race 1 pole position, and 1 point for fastest lap in each race.
Bumpdrafting is only allowed in races
Penalties must be served within 3 laps (max 3 crosses of S/F line) and admins may apply time, position, grid, points or more extreme penalties if the situation merits
Only cars which cover more than 90% of the number of laps covered by the winner and which cross the line under their own power will be classified
Safety Car
Any drivers who cannot self-recover back to the pits should not shift-s or shift-p, but instead alert the admins with the $SC bind, who may then bring out the SC. Spectating from outside a pit garage will incur a 5 point penalty, 10 point penalty and then a series exclusion on the third offence.
When the message “SAFETY CAR DEPLOYED” appears on screen and the track indicator button changes to “T: YELLOW”, all drivers are to cease racing for position, and gently slow down and be alert for any situation on track while proceeding around to catch the Safety Car queue, and all the other standard SC bits.
The first 2 laps under the Safety Car will not be counted as racing laps, and will be added on to the total race distance.