The online racing simulator
Editing DDS Files
(117 posts, started )
#1 - Gunn
Editing DDS Files
So you want to edit LFS files that are in DDS format? Several textures in LFS are in DDS format including lights, interiors, track signage, seats, steering wheels and several other game and car components. To customise some textures in LFS You will need to edit the appropriate DDS file. DDS files can be handled by Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop after installing the DDS plugin which can be found here. Although these files are hosted by Nvidia, they are not GPU-specific, so you can use them with any brand card. You don't need all of the files shown on that site. You can download a DDS viewer which can enable thumbnails in windows explorer or my computer and view them easily. There are various viewers available and all seem to work well enough. Grab the plugin if you want to edit DDS with one of the programs mentioned above.

The DDS files can be found in your LFS/data/dds folder. There are a few things to be aware of before you begin:

*Once you have changed the DDS file all of the cars of that type will show that file, the texture is used universally. For example, if you customised the interior of the XF GTi, then all XF GTi's in your sim will have the customised interior. Unlike your car skin, these files are used on every car of that type.

*Be wary of texture size. Yes I know, you've got a fast PC and it can do anything except make your bed, but still be wary of texture size. The default textures in LFS work very well, replacing a 30KB texture with a 300KB texture will use more resources. It is very easy to overdo it so be sensible and back up your files first.

*When you save your customised file you will probably be presented with some complicated save options. Just try the default settings, in other words: don't worry too much about all the bells and whistles. If the option to generate mip maps is not selected then select it first but it should be on by default in most cases.

*There is a plugin that you will need and it works for Adobe Photoshop, Jasc.. (recently purchased by Corel) Paint Shop Pro only. Both of these programs use the same plugin file. There is a 3DS MAX plugin too, but MAX users check your version first to see if the plugin is even required.

Please note that DDS files use an alpha layer in many cases. If you don't know what that means I suggest you consult your software's documentation and try experimenting with the DDS format files.

Remember to save your files back into DDS format!

Finally, this is about all I know of DDS. It's also about all I know about Photoshop and Paint Sho Pro so if you post questions here that go beyond the scope of the info I have posted then someone else will have to provide the answers. You can find out much much more about DDS at this excellent site, just use their search box.
Another one way.
There is anoter way.

You can find DDS converter 2, download it, install, and convert DDS files to more handy formats. After all you need to convert your BMP/PSD/.. back to DDS. It is more comfortable because you can use layers, filters, etc. in your favorite graphical editor.
Thanks for that tool, aLexusPro. My PSP always gives me an "Plugin caused access violation" error when trying to open a dds file.
I've found a much easier way to view .dds files (you can't do much editing, but it works great for simply viewing). Irfanview is a free utility which can open .dds files if you download the plugin pack for it. Both irfanview and the plugin pack are available on the product's main site at

This is a LOT faster and easier than using ddsconv. It also has a thumbnail feature so that you can view thumbnails of every single texture. This saves a ton of time when you're looking for something specific.
Of course.. DDS Converter exists only for converting. I use IrVw very long time and thiking that everyone do it too It is most better than ACDSee and other this type soft. So, it really best way for watching & searching dds-files.
I think it's also possible to use the Gimp right out of the box for DDS files.

Just google it and you'll know what I'm talking about.
#7 - Gunn
Quote from Cue-Ball :I've found a much easier way to view .dds files (you can't do much editing, but it works great for simply viewing). Irfanview is a free utility which can open .dds files if you download the plugin pack for it. Both irfanview and the plugin pack are available on the product's main site at

This is a LOT faster and easier than using ddsconv. It also has a thumbnail feature so that you can view thumbnails of every single texture. This saves a ton of time when you're looking for something specific.

The set of tools posted above includes a DDS viewer also, and several free DDS viewers are available online. Highly recommended for thumbnail viewing, as you have discovered.
#8 - bbman
Quote from GTR_Yuni :I think it's also possible to use the Gimp right out of the box for DDS files.

Just google it and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Nope, and I had to search pretty bad before I found a Windows-Plugin that lets me edit .dds
#9 - Gunn
Irfanview allows you to save a DDS file in many formats. Handy for people who don't use Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.
Also, if you are using Irfanview, you will notice the file type icons are horrible!!!

If you goto the Options menu window click on the Extensions tab and choose "Use Different Icons (Icons-Plugin). Now, the Icons it chooses for that are really bad even too. Keep that option checked. So I have here a nice little filetype icon addition you can replace with the Icons-Plugin they have on it by default.

This file is the Icons.dll, and you replace the old one located in the plugins folder at \Program Files\IrfanView\Plugins .

The icons only work for most of the basic filetypes such as GIF, JPG, PSD, etc... I don't think they work for DDS, but you get quite a few nice ones, and it is a must have if you use Irfanfiew and are tired of the roadkill icon that looks the same for each filetype.

Most programs you have may have installed will override the ones here. Just for the main web images it uses IV's icons. I think a program restart or a system restart gets them working
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#11 - Gunn
The free graphics software called "The Gimp" has an available dds plugin which can be found here. Please note that this plugin only offers read support, not write:
Reads dds files (DirectDraw Surface). No write support. Should open textures, volume textures and cubic environment maps, each with MipMapping or without. Supports uncompressed files, DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5. Requires an OpenGL library for decompression. Tested on SuSE Linux 8.2 and works most of the time.

Users of The Gimp may also like some of the other many plugins available from that page. If development and enthusiasm continue for The Gimp perhaps Gimp users shall see full dds write support in the future? The ability to import PSD files would also add value to the software (a PSD export plugin is available).
Quote from AndroidXP :Thanks for that tool, aLexusPro. My PSP always gives me an "Plugin caused access violation" error when trying to open a dds file.

I had that today when I reinstalled the plug in for Paint Shop Pro. But then I found this (on Blackhole actually), and all works now
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It's strang but I took a dds file edited it with the DDS converter 1.2 to psd then I placed a yellow momo logo on the place of the cromo logo and converted it again to dds but when I went in LFS it was blue and the boards at the side of the road that I changed as well were all in white and blue. How is that possible or what can I do about it to get the full colors back?
When I try to load a .dds file in PSP7, it crashes, any1 know a solution?
You might try PSP8, at least... that is what I have heard people getting the DDS plugin working for, PSP7 has too many issues with it.

But even then, I have heard it just has problems being run in all versions of PSP. Even though Nvidia notes it should work for PSP, it isn't exactly true.
Yes, PS7 has got problems when exporting and saving the edited DDS file it dus seem to well... "crash".
Ive gone to check out things in game to see that there either really not right or not there at all. I then tried doing it with version 8 and 9 and had no problems at all.
It's usually in the format '' or ''.
Right, lets clear this up. What EXACTLY are you trying to do? Which bit of dash? If you mean the instuments, you can't. If you mean the dash top, it's either or

I can't circle bits you want, because I don't know what you want. Have you tried making the dds a solid colour to see which dds file it is you need to edit (make a backup first)?
guys i have a question about some of the alpha dds files (that use transparency)

for example some of the tree ones, i changed the tree yet left the background colour the original one, in a hope it would remain transparent, however i ended up with trees with big black square outlines

am i saving them wrongly or missing something completely?
I'm not entirely sure myself, but I think you have to save it as a different 'type' of DDS file, which you can normally choose when you save it. DXT5 or something :S
whats up? i need a program to edit .dds files with psp 10. if anyone can help please speak up.
Scawen posted this here lately:

Quote :
By the way, your LFS can convert raw files into dds files. I don't think many people know this technique. If you delete the dds file and you put a raw file of the same name (but .raw instead of .dds) in the pic folder, then LFS will create the dds file for you.

That may be confusing so I'll describe it a different way :

you want a new version of a texture named
save xxx.raw in the pic folder
run LFS - it will create a new file from xxx.raw

hi im new to all this, but i have adobe photoshop7.0, so will the dds plug-in from the Nvidia website work with my photoshop? also, is there anywhere on the net that can learn u about editing dds files?
editing a dds is just like editing any other typical file

if you search google for photoshop tutorials then you'll find plenty of stuff and will help expand your knowledge of how to use it

Editing DDS Files
(117 posts, started )