Story behind the Video:
So I was racing on the [AMG] GTi server on blackwood, and I noticed some guy called JamesPinto on the minimap hanging around T1, this was a recurring event throughout the race.
Instead of trying to ignore the troll and continue my race, I decided to play with him (this went on for a few laps, involving matching his speed behind him so he cant do anything, and more fun stuff)
To cut a long story short, he hangs around the grass on the main straight, and tries to swerve into me, I anticipated this way before, so at the right moment, I hit the brakes! This must have surprised him as instead of hitting my car, he kept going onto the other side of the track, colliding with the crash barrier! I floor the throttle and resume my race....
I made a short video showing this, it's nothing special and it's probably been seen before, but I felt I got lucky with this guy as crashers always seem to get the better of me!
(By the way, he was actually trying to crash me out of the race, he wasn't just an unobservant driver who didn't use his mirrors)
Story behind the Video:
So I was racing on the [AMG] GTi server on blackwood, and I noticed some guy called JamesPinto on the minimap hanging around T1, this was a recurring event throughout the race.
Instead of trying to ignore the troll and continue my race, I decided to play with him (this went on for a few laps, involving matching his speed behind him so he cant do anything, and more fun stuff)
To cut a long story short, he hangs around the grass on the main straight, and tries to swerve into me, I anticipated this way before, so at the right moment, I hit the brakes! This must have surprised him as instead of hitting my car, he kept going onto the other side of the track, colliding with the crash barrier! I floor the throttle and resume my race....
I made a short video showing this, it's nothing special and it's probably been seen before, but I felt I got lucky with this guy as crashers always seem to get the better of me!

(By the way, he was actually trying to crash me out of the race, he wasn't just an unobservant driver who didn't use his mirrors)