My last three birthdays have sucked ass (though one had a valid reason to), but on my 20th the first three happy birthdays I got where from a lass in Canada, LFS Forum, and a guy in Australia. But I had to buy myself a present as none of my family did, so I went crazy and upgraded my PC.
Last year really sucked though, my own parents forgot it was my birthday until the next day.
But they did get me a car to say sorry (They ran out to the store first thing and got me loads of random "OHCRAPSORRY!" gifts, Kinder Suprise [wonder if anyone outside of the UK knows what that is], a toy car, some bubbles, and some gnats piss... sorry "larger" I believe is it's real name).
The year before (my 18th if you got lost) my dad lost his job 2 days before hand (the place he worked for made stuff for M&S, they decied to outsource to India, only to find the quality of work is horse crap, but can't bring the work back to the UK because all the factories they had are now in zones which are illegal for a factory to be), so that was a simple "we're piss broke, so we didn't even get you a chocolate bar" event.
Don't get me wrong, I don't care for stupid price tagged gifts, a chocolate bar (though when I say chocolate bar, I do mean the 65%+ coco bars of chocolate, they kick major ass) or something with thought is all I need, such as the kick ass drawing I got from the above lass in Canada on my 20th, I still need to get a frame for it