JJ Racer's
(26 posts, started )
JJ Racer's
I have been thinking for a long time now and i have decided to sart a racing team. It will be similar to Absolute begginers ware we will have a event then a month or 2 then another event.
I need 1 person to be assistant admin and 1 person to be fourm manager.
It will be about 4-6 months before the first event becaus we need to make the fourm, members, servers and organiseation.
Please post if you want to help.
Isn't it past your bed time? But good that you're planning ahead of the first event, maybe you can learn to drive and be a Safty car in that time.
Sounds epic, when can i join?
Quote from boothy :Isn't it past your bed time? But good that you're planning ahead of the first event, maybe you can learn to drive and be a Safty car in that time.

Unless u have a FO8 ramming you on oval during pacelap, then I think even he could drive pacecar.
Quote from Jordan2007 :Sounds epic, when can i join?

Do you have any experience in being a race admin?
Also, I need a website builder!
Thanks for tacking a interest in JJ Racing.
#6 - sjava
do you get payed for joining this team ?
Good luck with the team.

It could be big in the fucher/fuhrer.
I dont think hes english but good luck anyway
Quote from sjava :I dont think hes english but good luck anyway

I am english but i cant spell sorry
Quote from MousemanLV :Cool story, bro.

funny you're flaming him :bananadea
Quote from Jonathon.provost :Hi,
I have been thinking for a long time now and i have decided to sart a racing team. It will be similar to Absolute begginers ware we will have a event then a month or 2 then another event.
I need 1 person to be assistant admin and 1 person to be fourm manager.
It will be about 4-6 months before the first event becaus we need to make the fourm, members, servers and organiseation.
Please post if you want to help.

i realy want to make this club good. i know i cant spell. but still please be serious.
Quote from Jonathon.provost :hi,
i realy want to make this club good. i know i cant spell. but still please be serious.

Then at least try to look serious.

Bad spelling is one of the things that may look minor to some, but can really ruin your credibility. Who can take you seriously when we can barely understand what you are talking about? If you really can't help this by yourself, search for a spell checker on the net, and install it. It doesn't take much time, really.

Speaking of stuff that can really damage one's credibility... Blatently posting threads in wrong sections on discussion boards is one of them. You posted this thread in the "teams" section, however, most of your OP is about your will to build up your own league banner? I don't get it.

Anyway. I'd seriously advice you to just give up with this project, really. You do not seem to have the maturity, the experience, or the skills for this. If, for some reason, organising LFS events is your lifetime dream, do not attempt to build your own organisation as a start. Try to take part in some leagues as a driver first, it's the best place to see roughly how a league is managed. Then try to help in a minor league, doing simple adminning tasks. If you do that well, they might let you take in charge more responsabilities. You may even end up being a "safty car" driver in some events, who knows...
realy i cant understarnd??
i build computers i have made 5 operating systems i know python c++ c# and some i even made up myself and u say i dont have the maturity for it.
go to hell and dont judje people by how old thay are or if thay can spell go to hell and stfu
Quote from Jonathon.provost :realy i can understarnd??
i build computers i have made 5 operating systems i know python c++ c# and some i even made up myself and u say i dont have the maturity for it.
go to hell and dont judje people by how old thay are or if thay can spell go to hell and stfu

By maturity he probably means that you cannot seem to spell things right, how are you then going to lead a team, make leagues and such when mostly no one can understand you. Not everyone here are 14yo British teenagers ho dalk liek diz n do shizzle.
Quote from Hahmo :By maturity he probably means that you cannot seem to spell things right, how are you then going to lead a team, make leagues and such when mostly no one can understand you. Not everyone here are 14yo British teenagers ho dalk liek diz n do shizzle.

yes, I know I type in text, but I can write formally I once I got a 5A for formal writing but I want to get out of the text typing trust me I do.
thank you for this I will try to post things on hear more formally.
and I have a spell check down loading so I will wright it in that first then copy and past it hear
Jonathon check your pm's
Quote from Jonathon.provost :u say i dont have the maturity for it.
go to hell and dont judje people by how old thay are or if thay can spell go to hell and stfu

Thanks for proving my point, by receiving the first non-flaming post of this thread in such a disgraceful fashion.

Have fun failing miserably - once more.

Quote from Jonathon.provost :yes, I know I type in text, but I can write formally I once I got a 5A for formal writing but I want to get out of the text typing trust me I do.
thank you for this I will try to post things on hear more formally.
and I have a spell check down loading so I will wright it in that first then copy and past it hear

The contradiction makes me want anal babies..
Quote from 91mason91 :The contradiction makes me want anal babies..


Joke aside, aren't we a little hard on this guy? Sure, he has grammar equally mine - bad, but the idea he has given is not bad at all.

I wish you good luck with the project.
Even tho it's a hassel, as people say, use that extra time to write full words, and not typo writing, it makes it look more serious and you will get better feedback from people

JJ Racer's
(26 posts, started )