Quote from rc10racer :Stop being so anal about someone copying your set, if it bothers you that much don't hotlap at all, Kart might of just copied what's being shown on lfsw but who cares it's only a game.

I must agree, its nothing new that setups can be taken, and lfsw doesnt show 90% of what is available, so like he says, dont hotlap if you care so much
I did read the full thread and all i see is bunch of jelaous people whining because they don't have talent/time/effort to beat a wr.
Quote from JPeace :You are a hipocrete.

Meh it doesnt matter, you must beat them at their own game
Quote from michele0676 :
And stop saying about copy setup from LFSW, everyone know phlos story and software ...

And stop saying about phlos and software cause the most of us dont use them. The informations from LFSW are enough.
bla bla bla blaa
Quote from michele0676 :I could ask to my friend Massimo Sussani to do a new version about this video ...


i need a video called "Stupid (or Copied) WR !".

wtf was that?

Once again i must say if you don't have what it takes to beat wr, don't whine! (face it: you are not good enough :P )