OK, did a search, found nothing, so here I am.
Instead of just kicking a racer from a server or banning him, how about allowing the option (vote or admin controlled) for a next race ban? You could call it a "kick to spectate". Don't allow the guy to race but allow him to watch the next race. If he's a rookie and he's serious about getting better he may stick around and watch how people race, or leave and come back later for the next race. If he's a tool, he'll disco himself amidst a cloud of abuse and you'll be free of him.
Just a small idea I had. It might reduce some of the wrongful bans/kicks that happen sometimes. If there was a midway solution like this, people who've been wrongly accused of wrecking or people who are just having a terrible day on track and need to focus could get a chance to redeem themselves
Instead of just kicking a racer from a server or banning him, how about allowing the option (vote or admin controlled) for a next race ban? You could call it a "kick to spectate". Don't allow the guy to race but allow him to watch the next race. If he's a rookie and he's serious about getting better he may stick around and watch how people race, or leave and come back later for the next race. If he's a tool, he'll disco himself amidst a cloud of abuse and you'll be free of him.
Just a small idea I had. It might reduce some of the wrongful bans/kicks that happen sometimes. If there was a midway solution like this, people who've been wrongly accused of wrecking or people who are just having a terrible day on track and need to focus could get a chance to redeem themselves