The online racing simulator
(94 posts, started )
Hello racers,
we bring you a new endurance cup with GT2 cars (FXR,FZR,XRR with restrictors)

Start on 26.3.2011

Stream :

1. race of Kovodemont endurance 2011
Date : 26.3.2011
Time : 17:20 CET qualification ( 30 min )
17:50 - 18:00 CET break
18:00 CET race ( 6 hours )

Weather: cloudy, low wind
Server : - KxR racing zone -
Spare server : ALTP server
Password : Kingston

Come to server before 17:00 CET pls !!!

-Great atmosphere of 6 hours races
-Active Safety car and Push car
-In-sim software
-30 cars
-teams: 1 - ? members
-4 long tracks
-pit stops by your chose
-100% organization
-own website
-Live streaming
-great fun

-For more info check : ... amp;id=244&Itemid=161

-For registration : ... amp;id=243&Itemid=155

Team : "Knipex racing"
Car : "FZR"

Driver 1
LFS Nick : "rododendron"
Ingame nick : "KxR-Rodo"
e-mail: ""

Driver 2 ......

Sent to

-Overall results : ... amp;id=238&Itemid=159

-Start list : ... amp;id=230&Itemid=157

-Time schedule : ... amp;id=226&Itemid=156
(Qualification, break, race)

Server will be post here or in PM, between races you can train on -KxR racing zone- , passwort will be sent on PM after registration

Now excuse my english and dont hesitate to send an application

See ya on track

KxR Team
Looks nice, but I'd have a few questions and remarks.

Quote from rododendron :Races dont interfere to others leagues and cups by dates.

Round 2 and 3 clash with LFS Endurance Series.

Quote :-Active Safety car and Push car

What kind of incident can bring a Safety Car out?

Quote :-In-sim software

What does the insim do exactly?

Quote :-teams: 1 - ? members

So, this does mean you can do a whole race on your own, with no driver swap?

Quote :Points

1. 30
2. 26
3. 22
4. 18
5. 15
6. 12
7. 10
8. 8
9. 5
10. 3

There's a 3 points gap between 8th and 9th, aswell as between 10th and 11th, while gap between 6th and 7th is only 2 points. I don't get it, why is that?

Quote :We hope you have got a great internet connection, if you are disconnected from the race, you cant reconnect.

Why is that exactly? In all LFS endurance leagues/events I've taken part in or heard of, it was possible to rejoin after a disconnection.

I don't exactly understand the point of that rule. Especially since connection loss can also come from server failures.
We're in!
We would like to participate in the cup!

Team : "DABAR Racing"
Car : "FZR"

Driver 1
LFS Nick : "sjoenne"
Ingame nick : "DABAR Sjoenne"
e-mail: Not included here in public

Driver 2
LFS Nick : "wildstyle"
Ingame nick : "DABAR wildstyle"
e-mail: Not included here in public

Best regards,


PS: I've sent this as a mail also
I've just received a mail back.... in czech... maybe you should keep this in english
What will the car restrictions be? and is there a chance that somebody like myself could race in only 1 of these events? I am not able to keep up pace in any GT car (GT2 I'm even worse at than GT1)

I'd like to run the oval though just for the experiance, and I'd think about running the full season if somebody'd race with me who isn't particularly quick. (I could do oval by myself)
Quote from Cornys :What will the car restrictions be?

Quote :cars for these races will be determined as follows: FXR with 23.0% restrictor .... XRR with 24.0% ... FZR with 20.0% ... amp;id=244&Itemid=161

Quote :and is there a chance that somebody like myself could race in only 1 of these events?

Quote from rododendron :-teams: 1 - ? members

I assume this means yes, however I asked for a confirmation in my first post already.

Quote :GT2 I'm even worse at than GT1

That's quite worrying actually, since they are a lot easier to drive. You've probably taken wrong habits with them, or are driving with bad sets.

FYI : Kyoto was the Japanese empire main city SO Kyoto Ring is in Kyoto
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] : ... amp;id=244&Itemid=161

I assume this means yes, however I asked for a confirmation in my first post already.

That's quite worrying actually, since they are a lot easier to drive. You've probably taken wrong habits with them, or are driving with bad sets.

Thanks, I didn't see the restrictions on the information page for some reason.

Well, as far as GT1 vs. GT2 goes, I usually take entrys soft and try to roll the center and exit as quickly as possable. I find them just as easy to drive, and I rarely run off course with them, but GT2 I'm about 2 seconds slow (per 1 min.) and in GT1 I'm about 1.5 seconds slow (per min.)

I drive them like they have no downforce because I'm not used to vehicles that have it I think. GT2's lack of acceleration keeps me to lower speeds longer and thus slows me down for a longer period of time.

1 other question, must we remain on the same vehicle for each event or can we change for different ones?

Also, why does the FZR only have 20% while the slowest car (FXR) has 3 more %? Basicaly it makes you have to take FZ2 in order to hold a candle to the rest of the competition. The lead FX2 would finish the 6 hour oval event about 4 laps down to the FZ2's if neither had issues.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Looks nice, but I'd have a few questions and remarks.

1-Round 2 and 3 clash with LFS Endurance Series.

2-What kind of incident can bring a Safety Car out?

3-What does the insim do exactly?

4-So, this does mean you can do a whole race on your own, with no driver swap?

5-There's a 3 points gap between 8th and 9th, aswell as between 10th and 11th, while gap between 6th and 7th is only 2 points. I don't get it, why is that?

6-Why is that exactly? In all LFS endurance leagues/events I've taken part in or heard of, it was possible to rejoin after a disconnection.

I don't exactly understand the point of that rule. Especially since connection loss can also come from server failures.

1- sorry i was only informed about this thing. (repaired, but we will maybe find another date)

2-we have to make a decision in few days, i will post it

3- For example : watch the restrictors, kilograms. You can control flags any many more

4-yes, you can go only on your own if you are crazy

5-remaked by GTAL

6- ok, we will debate about this and bring a decision in few days

We post this cup so early just becose we want to remove all bugs with help of racers.

I hope i have helped you a little bit
Quote from Cornys :

1 other question, must we remain on the same vehicle for each event or can we change for different ones?

Also, why does the FZR only have 20% while the slowest car (FXR) has 3 more %? Basicaly it makes you have to take FZ2 in order to hold a candle to the rest of the competition. The lead FX2 would finish the 6 hour oval event about 4 laps down to the FZ2's if neither had issues.

yes you have to chose your car and go every race with this car.Its your strategy what car will you chose for your best performance.

Restrictors are taken from another races (GTAL ? IGTC ?) i dont know exactly. These values of restrictor are very great on classic tracks, but oval is really slowly in FXR
Don't want to sound rude but the schedule is quite short and tracks are fairly lousy this is only thing holding me back on signing up and wasting your time anyway we can poll how Many races this season and oval is pretty boring with gt2 and fe4r is one of the hardest tracks I ever drove before. Maybe rethink these to ky2/3 (r)? And fe4 normal way? Then add 2-4 new tracks?

Thanks for reading.
Quote from rododendron :1- sorry i was only informed about this thing. (repaired, but we will maybe find another date)

2-we have to make a decision in few days, i will post it

3- For example : watch the restrictors, kilograms. You can control flags any many more

4-yes, you can go only on your own if you are crazy

5-remaked by GTAL

6- ok, we will debate about this and bring a decision in few days

We post this cup so early just becose we want to remove all bugs with help of racers.

I hope i have helped you a little bit

Yep, looks better already

Quote from rododendron :Restrictors are taken from another races (GTAL ? IGTC ?) i dont know exactly. These values of restrictor are very great on classic tracks, but oval is really slowly in FXR

Restrictions are taken from GTAL 2010 and (I belive) MoE 2009-2010, maybe even 2008-2009.

GTAL recently switched on 21(FZR)-24(FXR)-25(XRR) for its 2011 season, as the FZR used to have a slight advantage on pace.

However, most GTAL races are 3 hours long. This is a 6 hour races cup, and strategy will have a way more important influence(while in 3 hours races, you have for only option to stick on the default strategy(2 stops), unless you're a tyre management god, and wanna stick with a 1 stopper, which is possible on some tracks with FXR/XRR. This has been tried a few times in GTAL, but no one managed to make it stick eventually).

Since XRR and FXR are kinder on tyres and fuel, they will have a big advantage on that point. I belive you can easily go on 4 stops on more or less all tracks in FXR/XRR, while this will could be a tough task in FZR. This is why I belive it's better to stay with 20-23-24 instead of going on the new 21-24-25 package.

Quote from Tur8o :Don't want to sound rude but the schedule is quite short and tracks are fairly lousy this is only thing holding me back on signing up and wasting your time anyway we can poll how Many races this season and oval is pretty boring with gt2 and fe4r is one of the hardest tracks I ever drove before. Maybe rethink these to ky2/3 (r)? And fe4 normal way? Then add 2-4 new tracks?

Thanks for reading.


I agree for oval, but not really for the rest. Fe4r has proven to be a fine track in the 2010 16 hours race. And I can't see what's wrong with Ky3/As5r.

And TBH, I belive it's better to keep it short. Those guys have no real experience to league racing organisation I belive(unless they've organised national leagues I'm not aware of). Better for them to have a short 1st season instead of being overwhelmed with a large schedule. Organising an endu league is a pretty much tough thing to do. And afterall, we have 24 hours of racing overall, which is far from being small(as a comparaison, LFS' most prestigious endu league ever, MoE, has been sticking with 60 hours seasons since it's very beginning. Meanwhile GTAL currently has a 36 hours season).
I can't seem to quote on my phone but I intend to quote Yann's reply to me.

No I agree KY3+AS5r are good but still that is half the schedule I was just saying maybe couple more tracks because the points standings are so far apart that 20 cars on track won't get any points. I agree fe4r is a fun challenge but it's far from as fun at racing to fe4 maybe add south city I dunno or another Aston track they are very fun and gtal practically finishes as this starts and could be a busy league of it kicks off at this time.

Are you going to make an english version of your website? It's not very user-friendly for non-czech attendants, that basically all of your site is in czech.

Will you be using boothy-chicane on KY3?

And how about the decals for the race? Where can I get a hold of them?

Replacing the FE4R with AS6 and KY1 with KY2R would be freaking nice!

Six hours of KY1 makes you wanna kill yourself hehe
Quote from Sjoenne :Replacing the FE4R with AS6

Why? There's already AS5R in the schedule.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Why? There's already AS5R in the schedule.

I like Aston better than FE - that's why... and I don't see the problem in having 2 races at Aston.. not when they are so different as AS5R Vs. AS6 are...
I'd like 2 aston's aha but you know cBt always get what you want we'll wait for admin reply.
Tracks are already fixed. Only thing what we wanna impove are rules. Each driver likes other tracks. We arent able to makes everybody happy .

Will be possible, we will use a tracker probably. So if you disconnect, you can join the race again and continue.
Quote from wildstyle :
Will you be using boothy-chicane on KY3?

No, boothy-chicane will not be used, but there will be a straw bales, so you will be not able to cut the turn.
Quote from rododendron :No, boothy-chicane will not be used, but there will be a straw bales, so you will be not able to cut the turn.

OK, that sounds reasonable.

How about the decals?
Quote from wildstyle :Are you going to make an english version of your website? It's not very user-friendly for non-czech attendants, that basically all of your site is in czech.

We are sorry, we havent enough time to do this, we are all man at work

But rules are translated and every importent things we can deal here on forum.

If you got any question ask me.
Quote from wildstyle :OK, that sounds reasonable.

How about the decals?

Yeah man we are making them now. We will post it on forum this week i hope
(rododendron) DELETED by rododendron

(94 posts, started )