Quote from nath2004uk :i click download twk file but it wont

Ghehe, let me guess, you get some text and that's it
Let me tell you, infact it is a txt file (ask Fonnybone )

Just use rightmousebutton and save as... to download the file

Stats are increasing on my website, but still I see no comment here :/

Is it so much work to create a reply and post it here?
I downloaded all the setups atleast and have tried them too. Cool, but it would be much cooler if there would be new version of Tweak and then ddl the 06 Subaru impreza twk from that website and use it with RB4.
Nath2004uk, there is mecanik for P5 version, which can edit all cars.
Mechanik P05 is for LFS 0.5P, not 0.5P5!!!
You should get a domain, or subdomain.
Quote from Bob Smith :Mechanik P05 is for LFS 0.5P, not 0.5P5!!!

Ooh, i messed up 0.5P and 0.5P5
Quote from wheel4hummer :You should get a domain, or subdomain.

Give me a sec, I'll fix that

http://lfstweaks.gotdns.com/lfstweak there you go
Quote from nath2004uk :cool

but is there an editor that can edit the other cars
like the v8 f1 (that would be cool)

or setups like that or jut programs? if any pm me plz

HOW can a demo racer drive a V8 F1???????
Quote from nath2004uk :i never said i could duh

oh ok then
oFFTOPIC: uss7, you watched "bikers" too, yes?
AUDI S1 quattro -pikes peak-
hi there!

heres mine : the Audi S1

values are quite close but not perfect :schwitzmaybe someone else gets it to orig - i gave up after 1 hour)

590 hp / 8066 rpm turbo 2,5 bar
609 Nm/ 5499 rpm

orig specs are:

598 hp /8000 rpm turbo up to 2,8 bar
590 Nm / 5500 rpm

-- anyway , very fun to drive!!

p.s.: setup is not very proper but driveable
Attached files
XR GT TURBO_AUDI S1.set - 132 B - 272 views
AUDI S1.rar - 204 B - 277 views
It's been a while since my last tweak, so today I present the XRG M3 (E46). Performance figures are alright - except the rpms. Haven't done a lot of testing yet. As usual, the setup included is only a base, and doesn't work very well.
The sound on this one is pretty nice.
Attached files
XRG_BMW_M3_E46.zip - 475 B - 324 views
ok... i can't use this program i've discovered... but just for interests sake:
I've noticed no images of these cars... so does this tweak program change the image of the car.. or just the characteristics and such??? So the BMW M5 or M3 or Audi's or Renault's... dont look like that?
No, it just changes a few of the parameters, like weight, power curve, power, engine CoG position, tyre size etc. The 3D models are not editable.
Anyone Able to make a R32, R33, or an R34 Skyline tweak..? That would be teh Sex!!
where can I download the LFS Tweak for the u patch.
thank you for the answer

...:::Ger1:::... <---------illepall...
You can't, and it's not planned on being made.
it's a bad news
Quote from blaze-WrX :Anyone Able to make a R32, R33, or an R34 Skyline tweak..? That would be teh Sex!!

look on first page i think mine are there
Quote from tristancliffe :You can't, and it's not planned on being made.

I expect to be burned for asking.. but.. why isn't it planned on being made?
So.. all you blokes are still using an older version of LFS then?
Quote from BarraSpalding :I expect to be burned for asking.. but.. why isn't it planned on being made?
So.. all you blokes are still using an older version of LFS then?

only using an older version for the tweak
Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0 (2000)

For the XR GT. Settings included, draft version, as always. Horsepower and torque alright, rpms not quite but close.
Attached files
lamborghinidiablovt.zip - 529 B - 309 views
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LFSTweak Presets - Post 'em here! [old thread]
(285 posts, closed, started )