Hope your hand was able to recover from what ever happened among all that skinning. It's not exactly difficult, just a whole lot of an awful pile of work to do this skin... you must be really dedicated to LFS having kept doing it. By the way people don't freak out, the design is not his.
@5tag: It was a hard work to make the alignment and colors close to the original. And i don´t think that they "freakin out" because of the design. The most of them know that this is only a replica and not my own design. I only think they love the skin.
I don't see me saying he is claiming anything either...
I knew someone might get it in to the wrong end. :ashamed: Also you don't have to tell me it was a request because I haven't forgotten about it from back June.
I just assumed everybody thought it was his design because usually people judge by looks and not by efforts put into it. They would have to be skinners as well if they did.
Just a random rehash of that piranha skin I did couple months ago, except this time I mixed it with Martini. Private for now, public version maybe later.
Oh and excuse the crappy preview.