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Sony "PSP2" NGP
(25 posts, started )
Sony "PSP2" NGP
Hi all,

as some of you have probably noticed Sony announced & showed new portable gaming device PSP2.

The specs are pretty impressive:

- quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor
- quad core GPU SGX543MP4 (speculation: 130-280Million Poly/sec, 4Gpixel fillrate - half or close to PS3 GPU performance)
- 5-inch touchscreen OLED display with 960 x 544 resolution
- dual analog sticks
- rear-mounted multitouch touchpad
- 3G, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth
- 3-axis gyroscope & accelerometer & compass
- front and rear camera
- built in stereo speakers & microphone

Link to some videos on Youtube: ... h_query=PSP2+NGP&aq=f ... ;feature=player_embedded# ... p;feature=player_embedded ... p;feature=player_embedded ... p;feature=player_embedded

Lets start discussion...
Its NOT the psp2, Its the NGP.
chaged the subject of topic. Most of the poeple call it PSP2 anyway
If it costs around 300 at lunch, I'll be getting one. I mean, come on Quad Core ARM CPU, PowerVR Quad Core GPU, 960x640 OLED. It's going to be sick!
Question. If if has 3g, can I use it as a phone also? If so, it beats the crap out of any phone on the market today, by a country mile
Doesn't work as a phone..
Blimey, all of those crosses, triangles, circles and squares on the back sort of hurts my eyes
The 3G will be optional and currently its said only for data.
It is being speculated somewhere 300-400 USD.
Too bad it's not a phone, but then again, imagine placing an NGP next to your head.

Nice design and if you squint, the rear design looks like carbon fibre.
Me wants.
quad-core cpu and quad-core gpu?

something is wrong with this picture... not even the motorola atrix has these kind of specs.
Quote from bunder9999 :quad-core cpu and quad-core gpu?

something is wrong with this picture... not even the motorola atrix has these kind of specs.

Quote from Engadget :Specs include a quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor, 5-inch touchscreen OLED display with 960 x 544 resolution, dual analog sticks (not nubs as on the current generation), 3G, WiFi, GPS, a rear-mounted touchpad, the same accelerometer / gyroscope motion sensing as in the PlayStation Move, an electronic compass, and cameras on both the front and back. Available this holiday season. Wait... what?!

Source: Engadget: The Sony PSP2
Quote from Boris Lozac :Doesn't work as a phone..

If it's got 3G, I imagine someone will come up with a homebrew VOIP app so you can make calls on it.
Sony has been always able to develop a very good own technology or with cooperation of some other companies. Cell in PS3 is good example.

I have no doubt that Sony licencing ARM9 CPU has been able to put together a quad core ARM9 in limited samples. There is already ARM9 2 core CPU in Motora Atrix and LG Optimus 2X.

Imagination who developed GPU for mobile devices and SGX Series5XT in Sony NGP (PSP2) had in his own portfolio up to 16 core GPU(attached file from Imagination).
The specs for single core SGX543 are 35M Poly/sec and around 1Gpixel fillrate @ 200Mhz. We dont know what will be the frequency in PSP2 so the numbers might be even much higher. Its said the scalling is highly efficient so for quad core GPU it should be 130-140M Poly/sec and around 4Gpixel fillrate which is pretty impressive for the size of the chip and power consumation.
Attached files
POWERVR_SGX_Series5XT_IP_Core_Family_[3.1].pdf - 414.6 KB - 515 views
Quote from Dygear :I mean, come on Quad Core ARM CPU, PowerVR Quad Core GPU, 960x640 OLED. It's going to be sick!

Sadly however, the modern battery technology for consumers isn't advanced enough to handle the specs of the handhelds that manufacturers are pushing out these days.

Mark my words, with those specifications, it'll suck the battery empty faster than you can pronounce "NGP".
#16 - JJ72
Sony continues its fascination on hardware power and forget we don't want to play PS3 games on a smaller screen again, no matter how close to the original it is.

But then no matter what they bring out, it will be bought en mass in Japan.
Quote from JJ72 :Sony continues its fascination on hardware power and forget we don't want to play PS3 games on a smaller screen again, no matter how close to the original it is.

Some people might want it. Dont speak on behalf of all the people
How much will this thing cost?
I'll buy one. No exceptions or anything get in my way.
I still won't touch anything Nintendo with a 40 ft. pole. They re-re-release the same consoles with the same crap over and over. The DS wasn't impressive, the DSi was the same DS, and the 3DS.. An extra dimension just means you see shit with depth.

Wii... Gamecube with some gimmicky control scheme. The only partially-almost-playable games mean ditching the Wiimote alltogether, and using a classic controller.. which defeats the purpose. But then the games still look like they're being rendered by a PS1 GPU.
Quote from Mysho :How much will this thing cost?

speculations are somwehere 300-400 US dollars. Hard to guess really because the specs are impressive.
Quote from Matrixi :Sadly however, the modern battery technology for consumers isn't advanced enough to handle the specs of the handhelds that manufacturers are pushing out these days.

Mark my words, with those specifications, it'll suck the battery empty faster than you can pronounce "NGP".

That's not always the case. OLED use hardly any power at all, coupled with the fact that you can take the CPU Hz level down it can be more power efficient then one core clocked at 4GHz. Let's also not forget shunting down cores that are not in use. There are lots of tricks that can be done.
I play video games in my house. nothing makes you look more like a dork than playing video games in public.
Hmph. Apple, you have problem, isn't it.

Sony "PSP2" NGP
(25 posts, started )