Guide : Broadcasting LFS
(43 posts, started )
Quote from Mp3 Astra :

Right, test report coming:

The Procaster app is really simple and effective to use, allthough it didn't recognise my tv card and there are no configuration settings to help with that. You just click a few buttons and you're up. The gamecasting feature is awesome and you no longer have to play with adjusting your lfs window so it's just the right size for the cast. I'm sure this will now be used for the majority of lfs broadcasts since it's such an effortless app.

However something is missing: Maybe someone forgot that you have to be able to capture audio as well as video. There are still no solutions for that, but I guess it's kind of pointless anyway since most soundcards nowdays support stereo mix.
Tryed Procaster... looks to work for myself, but how do I get others to be able to view my broadcast ?
The url doesn't give image, TV director works and is on...

PS: Great guide and tools, thanks!
Just watched the output at Icontv, it was a season final of some kind. I have to say I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this sort of thing.

Great job done by all, and special thanks to the commentators who so clearly had their work cut out for them in the closing laps.

When does the next season's coverage start?
I tried to stream LFS as per your instructions in OP, but i can't get mic+LFS sound working at once. When i check Stereo mix box, nobody on TS can hear me talking and microphone is inactive, when i check microphone box, i can talk, but i can't hear LFS and noone from TS talking on stream. What am i doing wrong?

E: Running on Win XP
I heard about Virtual Audio Cable which make that work together but I have no more information, I tried (not hard) a year before but I failed
That's strange, in XP, you can select either Stereo Mix or Microphone, while in Win 7, you can select as many of them as you can.
Quote from Kid222 :I tried to stream LFS as per your instructions in OP, but i can't get mic+LFS sound working at once. When i check Stereo mix box, nobody on TS can hear me talking and microphone is inactive, when i check microphone box, i can talk, but i can't hear LFS and noone from TS talking on stream. What am i doing wrong?

E: Running on Win XP

*bamp* Anyone have any idea, how to possibly fix this? Still no solution on my side.
Quote from Kid222 :*bamp* Anyone have any idea, how to possibly fix this? Still no solution on my side.

Could be a problem with your audio driver (what is it?) but wild and probably useless guess: try stereo mix BUT ensure that in your *playback* controls, the mic is not muted... (In other words, you'll hear yourself on your own speakers/headphones.)
Hugs from Czech rep.! Such a dumb thing...

Another problem seems to be, that when i'm trying to get some people on TS for help in commentary, they hear themselves talking again from my source on TS, some sort of sound feedback.. Any idea what am i doing wrong there?
Quote from Kid222 :Hugs from Czech rep.! Such a dumb thing...

Another problem seems to be, that when i'm trying to get some people on TS for help in commentary, they hear themselves talking again from my source on TS, some sort of sound feedback.. Any idea what am i doing wrong there?

Turn voice recognition off?
Quote from Kid222 :Hugs from Czech rep.! Such a dumb thing...

Another problem seems to be, that when i'm trying to get some people on TS for help in commentary, they hear themselves talking again from my source on TS, some sort of sound feedback.. Any idea what am i doing wrong there?

Sounds like you got it working then? Cool.

As for feedback, if you have speakers and a microphone, you'll get this. Shouldn't happen with headphones. If you can't use headphones, then you need to consider using push-to-talk so your mic isn't open all the time (or it'll just broadcast what it hears from your speakers...).
I think this guide is not up to date anymore and could be unstickied..
The mentioned website ( ) redirects somewhere else.
Not sure what is currently best for streaming, but is quite popular and on the website has lots of instructions, guides etc:
Streaming LFS works not different from other games, so maybe can just link to that?
Only thing somewhat 'unique' is :
-allowing someone else to control camera over internet, with LFS TV director
-if you want multiple people doing commentary togeher in TS, I dont know how excactly that works...
Streaming nowadays is really easy with .. Pre made profiles for Twitch/Hitbox/Youtube and what else. Game / window capture and audio capturing made easy as well.

Basically there is no guide needed. Maybe TV director yes but TV director is also becoming dusty. Multiple people doing commentary on TS is easy. Streaming machine joins TS, two or more humans join TS... And talk.
Thanks to OP, but this guide should be unsticked.
Because TV director get no updates since years, I ask DANIEL-CRO to implement a TV mode in his tool LFSlazy(

But TV director has currently nicer features (custom cam position, dynamicaly switch between cars/sceens). But the latest (inofficial) version of LFSlazy I need to test first; perhaps some new features are already added. :-)

Currently I stream our team races with LFSlazy. Example on Twitch:
looks pretty good. It reminds me a bit of what dave does for the cityliga streams.
The function of Openbroadcaster to do overlays and switching sources can do some interessting things. For example this spanish stream:

For example it begins with short intro which is a picture and some music. Just small detail, but gives good first impression. Sometimes streams begin with camera pointed to nowhere for some minutes or so Wink

At 12minutes the qualification has ended. During the pause until race they show again this logo/music.
Usually before race starts there is test-starts or grid-ordering or other things that for viewer are boring or confusing. So best not to show it Smile
It is small thing but makes it bit more professional.

Then comes some "fly-over" over the grid to show start-order, I think that can be done with normal LFS camera controlls:
In shift-U mode prepare some 3,4 camera positions, put high transition-time and recall the cameras with hotkeys. (With the saved cameras it is quite reliable, there is no danger of messing up the view by driving the camera into a wall or so.)
Then to get back to TV-camera press ESC once.
At 1h when race has ended there is some graphic overlay that shows the top-3 with some podium grapic.

Guide : Broadcasting LFS
(43 posts, started )