Hi there!
Ufortunately we have come to the point where this forum is being heavily censored.
I posted a zombie to express my feelings about the "s1-gift".
I wrote that we were promised a new car (Scirocco in 2008)
My post has vanished!
The answer of a member called Flame CZE, wo asked me WHO promised
me a car has also vanished.
But everybody can look at the main homepage of lfs (lfs.net) scroll down about five or six news an read the announcement from 2008:
Well, what can one say. The spirit of an INDEPENDENTLY developed game, that has the best online-racing-netcode is beeing severely damaged by an additude that reminds me of the former romanian regime
under Ceauşescu.
Maybe gamers habe a creative imagination.
Maybe us gamers are the worst sheep in the world!
PLEASE ADMINS of this forum - let this forum rather host creative
demonstration than to become undercover-police of some sort.
Maybe You remove this thread (I will save it)
But WE will gain energies in unmasking Your intentions.
Dandy Dust,
in the name of those who are having a mind

Ufortunately we have come to the point where this forum is being heavily censored.
I posted a zombie to express my feelings about the "s1-gift".
I wrote that we were promised a new car (Scirocco in 2008)
My post has vanished!
The answer of a member called Flame CZE, wo asked me WHO promised
me a car has also vanished.
But everybody can look at the main homepage of lfs (lfs.net) scroll down about five or six news an read the announcement from 2008:
Well, what can one say. The spirit of an INDEPENDENTLY developed game, that has the best online-racing-netcode is beeing severely damaged by an additude that reminds me of the former romanian regime
under Ceauşescu.
Maybe gamers habe a creative imagination.
Maybe us gamers are the worst sheep in the world!
PLEASE ADMINS of this forum - let this forum rather host creative
demonstration than to become undercover-police of some sort.
Maybe You remove this thread (I will save it)
But WE will gain energies in unmasking Your intentions.
Dandy Dust,
in the name of those who are having a mind