Sorry guys, for totally ignoring your discussion, but I want to bump this, because I need a bit of help.
Basically, it's all because I want to rename the app, and get it its own personal domain name. But I'm not really excited about what names I came up with so far. So I made a poll on the
PassGen facebook page (yup, it already has that).
If you want a direct link to the question, here it is:
click it.
But really, just visiting the page and you will see it, as it is currently the latest post - and the page is not really getting any frequent updates, so it's probably still going to be on top when you get to read this, and open the link.
In case you prefer (or don't have a facebook account), you can submit your ideas here as well, as a reply to this thread.
The options on the facebook question, at the moment are these:
You don't have to check if the domain name you come up with is free - it's the idea that matters, because it could bring more ideas. Heck, it doesn't even have to be a domain name, it could be just a regular name.
Also, if you submit a new proposal, but also already like other name(s), please include them in your post as well. But I don't think it would be a good idea to just reply, telling me the names you like, because that's a bit on the border of spam (imo at least).
Thank you for any voting you do, and any suggestions you submit!