The online racing simulator
Drift Lapper Request
Hello ther))

i wanted to ask some one who can made a lapper for drift scoring with:
Score pannel
Top Scores
Angel score
Apex Score
Grass panlty
X Score (0.1-5.0)

if some one have one like that or copy of Fat-Oil`s lapper please send me on my E-mail: [email protected]
Thank you

and if this not a hard work and you have time for it please if you can create one! this will make my life better))
I do know there is drift scoring systems like this. I do not know if they are on the forum as I have never wanted one but I do remember vein sent one. I will look around my computer tonight if no one else has posted links.
I think that you are likely to receive more support about Lapper in the LFSLapper Development section.
Not sure how right I am, but my guess is that most LFSLapper developers read that section more often.

Also, it is possible that someone has already posted such system in that section too. You can through a few pages if you like to.
Just suggesting.
ok i found a Drift lapper from one of my freinds old drift server that is no longer running ( i think) but it is untested so i have no clue if it works or not. if it does not work just say and i will fix it
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Quote from tbofram :ok i found a Drift lapper from one of my freinds old drift server that is no longer running ( i think) but it is untested so i have no clue if it works or not. if it does not work just say and i will fix it

It does work, but this is just the standard release version 6.011 of LFSLapper with my included driftmeter add-on enabled, and the server name added to the standard config files.

You will get a scoreboard, and (if you configure it right), you can get a list of top drift scores (!drf command).

Don't know what an 'angel' score is, unless you mean angle?

Scoreboard will show angle data, but it's not live; that is, will only show angle at end of drift, not a changing number during drift.

There is no Apex Score or grass penalties - I saw that enabled on Fat-Oil's version of lapper, but he changed a lot more than the standard config files to get these. Suggest you read post HERE about his version of lapper.

The X (times) score isn't in the default driftmeter. Could be done, but if I did it, I would just use a HUGE amount of IF statements, e.g.

IF $driftscore <=2500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 0.9
$driftscore >=2500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 1.1
$driftscore >=3500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 1.15

Could probably be done lot easier using arrays or something, but that's way beyond my noobish skills.
Quote from sinanju :It does work, but this is just the standard release version 6.011 of LFSLapper with my included driftmeter add-on enabled, and the server name added to the standard config files.

You will get a scoreboard, and (if you configure it right), you can get a list of top drift scores (!drf command).

Don't know what an 'angel' score is, unless you mean angle?

Scoreboard will show angle data, but it's not live; that is, will only show angle at end of drift, not a changing number during drift.

There is no Apex Score or grass penalties - I saw that enabled on Fat-Oil's version of lapper, but he changed a lot more than the standard config files to get these. Suggest you read post HERE about his version of lapper.

The X (times) score isn't in the default driftmeter. Could be done, but if I did it, I would just use a HUGE amount of IF statements, e.g.

IF $driftscore <=2500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 0.9
$driftscore >=2500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 1.1
$driftscore >=3500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 1.15

Could probably be done lot easier using arrays or something, but that's way beyond my noobish skills.

i never edited that lapper at all it was some demo guy that ran a drift server. so i just had it on my computer
Quote from sinanju :It does work, but this is just the standard release version 6.011 of LFSLapper with my included driftmeter add-on enabled, and the server name added to the standard config files.

You will get a scoreboard, and (if you configure it right), you can get a list of top drift scores (!drf command).

Don't know what an 'angel' score is, unless you mean angle?

Scoreboard will show angle data, but it's not live; that is, will only show angle at end of drift, not a changing number during drift.

There is no Apex Score or grass penalties - I saw that enabled on Fat-Oil's version of lapper, but he changed a lot more than the standard config files to get these. Suggest you read post HERE about his version of lapper.

The X (times) score isn't in the default driftmeter. Could be done, but if I did it, I would just use a HUGE amount of IF statements, e.g.

IF $driftscore <=2500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 0.9
$driftscore >=2500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 1.1
$driftscore >=3500 $speed >=35
$driftscore x 1.15

Could probably be done lot easier using arrays or something, but that's way beyond my noobish skills.

Why not with a simple formula? Say $driftscore of 2500 and $speed of 35 are 1.0. Then, you could do something like...

$driftscore 2500;
$multiplyspeed $speed 35;
$multiply = ($multiplyscore 2) + ($multiplyspeed 2); //The brackets are just for safety, it should work without them too. But I am not familiar with LFSLapper code, so...
$driftscore *= $multiply//If this doesn't work, then simply: $driftscore = $driftscore * $multiply

Or a 1 liner:

*= ($driftscore 5000) + ($speed 70);

The first example was that long, because I wanted to break it down to small chunks, so it's easier to understand what it does.
I highly recommend you to use the 2nd example.

[Edit] But, obviously, you would need to add some rules to that. You don't want people receiving points, just because they are moving fast in a straight line.
Quote from broken :You don't want people receiving points, just because they are moving fast in a straight line.

There's already criteria set (which you can change) to help with this.

For instance, I have

39# Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score (25kmph is approx 16MPH)
$MinimumDriftAngle 5# Minimum angel to maintain. When angle is below value, score is reset
$MaximumDriftAngle 75# Maximum angel to maintain. When angle is above value, score is reset

By the way, what does *= mean? (Google gives me Your search - *= - did not match any documents).
Quote from sinanju :By the way, what does *= mean? (Google gives me Your search - *= - did not match any documents).

I hope you know this, as a programmer you should know this

Those two sentences return the same value:

var1 var2;
var1 *= var2;

I'm no programmer. Never said I was a programmer; never even slept with a programmer!

Quote from my first post: "beyond my noobish skills".
Quote from sinanju :
By the way, what does *= mean? (Google gives me Your search - *= - did not match any documents).

Assign product.

a = 2
a *= 2
a == 4

Remember that the most gratifying way to learn something is doing experiments.

There are already so many solutions for OP that this thread doesn't really need to be here.
Oh, seeing you posting day after day in programmers section made me think you were a programmer. My bad haha