Stopped by police - Yes, a lot. I'm on a Traders Insurance Policy, which means that I show up as uninsured on the National Insurance Database. Also, due to my line of work, I drive a lot of cars with "Trade Plates", which can also attract the attention of Police. Apart from that, I have never been pulled over due to a fault with my Driving/Car.
Use mobile while driving - Never. If the phone rings again after I ignore it, I know it's important so I pull over and answer it. Same goes for texting.
Ran a red light in the past 12 months - Yes, once. I tried my luck with an amber light and accelerated. It went red two seconds before I passed it. Was rather stupid of me to be honest.
Take risks (overtaking, fast acceleration) - If I am on my own in the car and there isn't much traffic, I will sometimes have fun with the car, but nothing too dangerous. If I do feel like having fun, I only do it in suitable places, i.e country roads.
Suffer road rage - Never to the point of violence, but I do sometimes get annoyed with people that lack confidence, like people who take ages getting out of a clear junction because they are scared. It's usually nothing more than a "for gods sake" under my breath though.
Speeding - Unless I'm having a hoon, I will stick to the limit. As above though, I only drive within my limits and according to the environment. I'm always doing at least 80mph on the Dual Carriageway/Motorway though, as I feel more comfortable at that speed.
Scare others while driving - I'm always buying cars that need work. I then repair them, and sell them for a profit. I do this for a bit of cash on the side. This means that occasionally, I will end up buying a fast car. I always tend to take my Girlfriend/Friends out for a quick blast to try and shock them, but they are getting used to it now

. Under normal driving circumstances though, no. Any passengers I have ever driven with usually seem quite content with my Driving.
Number of prangs (i.e. Collisions/crashes) in the past 12 months - One. I was traveling down a NSL rural road at 40-ish mph, when some guy comes flying around the corner at a stupid speed. I had no choice but to swerve onto and up a verge to avoid a head on collision. My car suffered a buckled alloy wheel, bent wishbone and a smashed mirror case. The other guy did not stop.
Sim/non-sim racer before getting a driving licence - Became a proper sim racer when I was about 13, and passed my test at 17.
I've been driving for just under 2 years now. I had 3 lessons until my Instructor put me in for my test, and I passed with 2 minors (One for observation and one for hesitance at a Roundabout.). I also took my Pass Plus course, which I passed with an "exceeded" grade on everything apart from Night Driving, which we did not cover due to time constraints.
Despite my "Driving Career" grades being pretty good, I do not by any means think of myself as an above average driver. Instead, I think of myself as just a Driver who does not take stupid risks. I'm always alert and scanning the road for potential "threats", and I think that is why I have not had any Accidents, despite owning some extremely powerful cars that most would consider a dangerous for a 17/18 year old to be driving. Never the less, I do not think I am a driving god nor invincible. Anything can happen out on those roads, and sometimes you cannot stop accidents happening, no matter how much skill/experience you may have under your belt.
Drive Safe everyone!