hehehe awsome post.....
look guys ya got it all wrong you gota draw this out a little bit more...
if they ask just wipe you brow put you glass down and say "nearly died thats what" that will spark the interest and soften em up, the you proceed after they ask in shock "what do you mean"...
"well i race (insert you car) you see and nearly got kiled doing it today, i need another job (shake head)" then they come back with " omg really? what happened?" then the fun begins....
"well i wont bore you with the technical side, but basicly we strugled all week end with the car setup, it was lap 15 of the 4 round and the back was comming round on me in every corner, and let me tell you at 150MPH you dont want that, ANYWAy (slight sigh) i was strugling to keep my 4th place the car was all over the track, then it happend 170 mph! into shavers corner (cough) the right rear tire exploded from then on i was just a passenger, race control said i hit the concrete wall at somthing in the region of 140 mph, after i came to rest i was pulled from the car then i ran strait back to pits jumped into my second car, the boss tried to stop me but its the driver in me ya know?, well i managed to catch the rest up and unfortunatly only managed a 2nd place with 2 seconds behind the leader, so a bad day really. (shake head and let out a puff/sign) but atleast im still in good shape to win the championship so its not all bad.... so enough about me what about you.....

but ofcorse im married so i none of that aplies to me as if my missus smells another female within 100 yds of me im wishing i was wearing a helmit, i tell ta sadam's got nothing on her