The online racing simulator
Some advice please
(21 posts, started )
Some advice please
Hi, I could need some advice. Im rather new to LFS.
I got a NEW wheel awhile ago, a Hama Thunder V5, before that I had a very old wheel which was unable to be setup or tweaked to give full throttle or full break, though this new one can but I have stumbled over a small problem. now when I drive my ingame wheel tends to flicker, like my real life wheel doesnt give out a clean signal, when I turn in higher speeds I just go straight forward, like my tires were very bad, and when I break aswell, straight forward, cant turn.also when I give it some gas on lower shifts while turn, I easily spin. Anyone got a solution for this problem? Unless its my actual wheel what should I change in my settings, is there any good "configs" or something similar someone would like to share?

Thank you for reading! -whilly2dope,
Could you post the replay of your driving?

could you explain more what you think with your wheel flickering. Do you mean you turn with wheel and you dont see response from LFS? If that would be case I would try to recalibrate wheel in LFS and also check you have latest drivers in LFS.

Regarding the spinning of cars. Does it happend also easily with GTI?
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi,

could you explain more what you think with your wheel flickering. Do you mean you turn with wheel and you dont see response from LFS? If that would be case I would try to recalibrate wheel in LFS and also check you have latest drivers in LFS.

Regarding the spinning of cars. Does it happend also easily with GTI?

ok currently uploading a video, And ok I just did a test drive after doing some changes(complete random though..) in the settings and I can atleast turn kinda decent while giving it gas.

The breaks are like the car doesnt have ABS, maybe they doesnt, maybe I disabled it somewhere or maybe it is because this wheels pedals works as buttons and not axis :/ so its either FULLGAS or no gas resp. FULLBREAKS or no breaks.

I do get responses in the game from the wheel, but it kinda wiggles and it feels like the car is very slippery. You were talking about some "LFS" drivers? could I have some more information on that?

EDIT:I found out that you actually could make the pedals analog, I'll try it out now see if it made any diffrence in the driving experience. But what for the wheel axis, it still is a smallbit to the right, wiggly.

Thanks for you response and not to mention patient on a complete beginner such as myself
Quote from whilly2dope :ok currently uploading a video

No need. Just save the replay(press 2, type the name you want to give, and enter), go to LFS/data/spr(or LFS/data/mpr if you recorded in multiplayer mode), take the file, and upload it as an attachement here.
Ok, Attached a small replay, the slippery etc is pretty much fixed, I made my pedals analog and not digital and its so much better now. Though 1 problem remains which you should be able to see in the replay I attached: The wheel is wiggling, it doesnt wiggle in control panel > gamepads where you config the wheel, but in the game... And it also drag abit to the right. really annoying.
Attached files
wellwell.spr - 21.4 KB - 335 views
By the way, be careful on the brakes, do not push them to the max all the time or you will lock the front wheels. And to shift up in the Formula 1 car, you don't have to press the clutch or lift off the throttle.

As for the wiggling, I have no idea. Does it wiggle in-game only or is the actual wheel doing that?
Quote from whilly2dope :
The breaks are like the car doesnt have ABS, maybe they doesnt,

You were talking about some "LFS" drivers? could I have some more information on that?

We all started with LFS so you are nothing new here :-))
Most of the cars does not have ABS, its racing simulator, not casual driving simulator.

Sorry, I meant wheel drivers.
Quote from Flame CZE :By the way, be careful on the brakes, do not push them to the max all the time or you will lock the front wheels. And to shift up in the Formula 1 car, you don't have to press the clutch or lift off the throttle.

As for the wiggling, I have no idea. Does it wiggle in-game only or is the actual wheel doing that?

Okok, thanks for the advice! You know it help alot when a person just explains the basics like that, if you wouldnt have told me that I would've kept on assuming its something wrong with my settings. I'll practice more on the breaks! And not having to press the clutch or lift of the throttle, I stopped using the clutch like the first race I did, It just dragged out on the time it took to shift, and if I dont lift off the throttle, it wont shift, and I think I sometimes break it, after awhile with faster cars every gear starts acting like the neutral but pushing the car forward sliiightly.

And about the wiggling, the wheel itself doesnt wiggle, just in-game, and when I look in the controlpanel > gamepads (the drivers) it doesnt wiggle there either.
Witht the you mean that when you driving at high speed and dont move with wheel the car move slightly from side to side?
I just watched the replay, and from the looks of it, there seems to be some sort of noise on the steering wheel axis signal. The wheel is shaking rather than wiggling. And the shaking seems to increase with higher steering angles.
Im guessing the problem could be within the mechanism that detects the steering angles on the (physical) wheel, and not LFS.

Have you tested the wheel in any other games to see if it is shaking there aswell?
force feedback set too high? could that be the wiggle?
Quote from dadge :force feedback set too high? could that be the wiggle?

Force feedback is completely shut off
Quote from Skagen :I just watched the replay, and from the looks of it, there seems to be some sort of noise on the steering wheel axis signal. The wheel is shaking rather than wiggling. And the shaking seems to increase with higher steering angles.
Im guessing the problem could be within the mechanism that detects the steering angles on the (physical) wheel, and not LFS.

Have you tested the wheel in any other games to see if it is shaking there aswell?

I'll get on and try that right now.
Quote from whilly2dope :Force feedback is completely shut off

shut off? ingame setting is 0 and windows setting is 0 with 0 centre spring?
Quote from dadge :shut off? ingame setting is 0 and windows setting is 0 with 0 centre spring?


Anyhow, I realized I had the "lock" off on the axes, so I locked them and now its not AS bad, still some wobbling which I dont know if it really disturbs any of the driving experience. I hope not atleast.
As long the shaking doesn't upset the car, it's always possible to turn off the wheel and the driver in the game if it is disturbing to watch.
Quote from Skagen :As long the shaking doesn't upset the car, it's always possible to turn off the wheel and the driver in the game if it is disturbing to watch.

No its not disturbing to watch, I mean, now that I locked the axes it doesnt shake as much, just a little bit when I turn. Whats concerning me is if it have some actual impact on my driving. As if I am in a sharp turn, and I feel that I could probably give it alittlebit more gas because this is going way too slow, if I hit the throttle, I cant turn very good. so I have to hit the throttle, then turn.
I watched the SPR replay and it seems you just have to learn how to drive. Too high speed in the corner or too much throttle, thats why your wheels get locked in the game.

Regarding the wobbling. It seems your wheel is not well centered and this would cause the wobbling. It might be the "future" of your wheel unfortunately or you need to re-calibrate your wheel again. My wheel started wobbling a bit but its because its like 4-5 years old and it was quite a cheap model.

Some advice please
(21 posts, started )