The online racing simulator
oval racing
(4 posts, started )
oval racing
Recently a licensed S2 and getting very fast hotlaps i decided to go for the real stuff! Tried some different servers and seem to get on well as a noob!
A few guys tried to help me out there but sorry!too many buttons,i concentrate on not crashing!it'll become clear in time!
can anyone help me with a good setup and how to download that setup as it baffles me!my last hotlap was with the XR GTR and my own!setup and my time was 00:42:41 which seems quite fast compared to 00:38 i see experienced drivers get.Also being hooked on the oval im looking for a good team(friendly and helpfull!) Any suggestions anyone?thanks!
Hi, you can download setups from the following sites:

I believe you can download all setups at once. Or you can just download sets for the car/track combo you want.

Make sure the setup file is saved in .../LFS/data/setups

LFS Manual got setup guides if you'd like to have a look:

Have a peek in the other sections as well - you might find something useful.

As for looking a team the following thread might be the best way to go about it: The Free Drivers List - Advertise Yourself Here

Good luck!
oval advice
thanks Silver!
found myself a team!got an excellent set up for the oval(im addicted to the oval now!)managed to set myself up on teamtalk and its all good!
i will look at those setups you mention,thanks for your help,its appreciated!
might catch you somewhere(probably when i see a blue flag!)cheers!Pete
Since you are an oval fan, I'd recommand you this excellent drafting tutorial by Fragmasters.

Welcome anyway

oval racing
(4 posts, started )