hi all. I have a dedicated server with all the good specs. A nice intel zeon ( or what ever it is called) and it has quick internet(clocked it at 20 megs a second both ways) and i am starting my own team but the in-sim dev is running slow so i will need to do something with the server. so i will offer free lfs server hosting on my dedi if your lfs server is a cruise server weith a in-sim and all them stuff. Just reply
hello are you still looking for the people who can host at your server?
I need help tho but can you help me to host a Demo Server with insim?
My insim is a modified Dougie-Lampkin cruise insim with its original Cruise insim name RF because im lazy getting a good name for it but the insim physics and codes changed and removed some fines and added more interesting codes in my insim like KM Trip Rewards, 2 Robbery System, Cop System Chasing with Siren and Backup chasing, Bonus System (expanding 16x from the prize), Job System, aligned street names and fixed speed limits around the track, Cash Banking (depositing and withdraw) and KM Car Distance requirements. although im a demo racer so i only coded the BL1 and BL2
J&J hosting desided that server hosting is not a good business plan so we have decided to go down the line of hosting websites. We gave a thread to get cheap website hosting yourname.co.uk I recommend using 500servers for lfs hosting
Well I did say no because the dedi I was using at work died and I dont have any other dedi for giving away but I will contact you and see what I can do