The online racing simulator
Error message - Mod - NEED HELP SERIOUSLY
(30 posts, closed, started )
Error message - Mod - NEED HELP SERIOUSLY

Today I just purchased the LFS S2 Licence.

After extracting the file into the data folder, LFS wouldn't work and I get an error message saying 'could not open file: data\veh\XF.vob'.

When I tried to delete this folder, it didn't let me, so I booted my PC up in Safe Mode and deleted it.

That directory that LFS is saying cannot open is no longer in there, as it has been deleted (I also done a search for it and could not be found).

I have also tried deleting the .RAR file and also downloading the mod again and trying and still no luck.

Any help much apprciated, as I have just payed £24 and have got nothing out of it

OS: Win7 X64


Don't use .vob mod, simple.
Note quite the polite answer.
This modification of the vob files is forbidden by the devs, so you can not get support for them here.

I may add that some of them can contain not so nice bits of software - beware, do not download without double checking.
It is also forbidden to post links that refer to illegal mods, it would be good for you to edit your post and remove the link. It may save others some difficulties

Good luck.

Edit: best way to fix it (after cleaning your computer) is to download a fresh LFS and clean install again.
Created by: LFS Modding team of China

LOL says it all really! Watch your bank account closely and dont use Vob mods
Run a virus scan ( a full one )
And a fresh install should sort LFS out!
I don't think there is any need for a virus scan or keeping tabs on a bank account, just copy the original XF.vob file over the mod and you'll be fine.
I downloaded the file to check it and there's no infected files whatsoever. There's just the vob and dds, so there's no virus or anything.
Hello official Steam forum, I installed an aimbot and now CSS doesn't work. I'm very disappoint, you wasted my money!

Please help, regards.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Hello official Steam forum, I installed an aimbot and now CSS doesn't work. I'm very disappoint, you wasted my money!

Please help, regards.

Thanks for letting us know, lucky for you, you came at the exact good spot to ask.
Quote from MadCatX :I don't think there is any need for a virus scan or keeping tabs on a bank account

Ahh but you never know these days but its now been scanned and its clean so he was lucky. Imo if a file does`nt work how it should you should always scan it to be on the safe side
Without the extra worry about bank accounts etc I would imagine there is a reasonable chance that these "LFS mod files" include data miners to locate and collect your LFS username/passwords and send it to the questionable indivudials who make this kind of illegal mod.

Its not that implausible is it?

Quote from SparkyDave :snip

Well, actually it is. VOB contains no active code, just a 3D mesh in a format LFS understands. Unless there is a MAJOR security problem in LFS, VOB files should pose no threat just like, say, MP3s, JPEGs etc...
OIC so its not like people are downloading packaged or compressed files, just indivudial VOBs?

I don't get whats in it for the makers of these things, maybe the fame of changing things in games?

anyway to the OP and anyone whos intrested, don't download mods for LFS it really doesn't need any

Quote from SparkyDave :Without the extra worry about bank accounts etc I would imagine there is a reasonable chance that these "LFS mod files" include data miners to locate and collect your LFS username/passwords and send it to the questionable indivudials who make this kind of illegal mod.

Its not that implausible is it?


Here's a copy of the mod using files from a normal LFS install
Attached files - 125.5 KB - 174 views
Quote from MadCatX :Well, actually it is. VOB contains no active code, just a 3D mesh in a format LFS understands. Unless there is a MAJOR security problem in LFS, VOB files should pose no threat just like, say, MP3s, JPEGs etc...

Just thought I'd add.. jpeg pictures can actually contain files I don't think they can be executed unless the file (not picture) is opened though
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Buffer overflow vulnerabilities have caused the ability to execute arbitrary code from non-executable files in the past. ... ty/bulletin/ms04-028.mspx

That's why I mentioned that there'd have to be a security hole in LFS. IIRC there was such problem with replay files in LFS, but I don't recall any case of it being exploited.

Quote from Seb66 :Just thought I'd add.. jpeg pictures can actually contain files I don't think they can be executed unless the file (not picture) is opened though

Since Windows detects file type only by it's extension, you can mask an EXE file as anything, but it won't be executed unless you change the extension back to EXE.
Quote from Mille Sabords :Note quite the polite answer.
This modification of the vob files is forbidden by the devs, so you can not get support for them here.

I may add that some of them can contain not so nice bits of software - beware, do not download without double checking.
It is also forbidden to post links that refer to illegal mods, it would be good for you to edit your post and remove the link. It may save others some difficulties

Good luck.

Edit: best way to fix it (after cleaning your computer) is to download a fresh LFS and clean install again.

Thanks! So would I just download LFS again and activate it?
yes or download lfs and just replace the missing files in your original install!
Quote from Velocity. :yes or download lfs and just replace the missing files in your original install!

Thank you very much, appreciated
Another question, are there any other cars avaliable except the ones shown in the garage and I have also added £1 to my account for skins and changed the settings to 1024, where would the skins be?

Quote from hcp_123 :Thank you very much, appreciated
Another question, are there any other cars avaliable except the ones shown in the garage and I have also added £1 to my account for skins and changed the settings to 1024, where would the skins be?


when u bought LFS S1/S2 License u have free 50 skin slot which u can use it. but when u add £1 or more ur HD Skins (1024x) download will be enabled
You have paid £1 for the ability to download higher quality skins (1024x1024 instead of 512x512) used by other people.
These go into the skins_x folder, but it is not polite to use these yourself as they may be team skins etc.

To use skins on your cars, see

Public skins are available in the skins section of the forums, and also other websites, and are a couple off the top of my head.

For others to see the skin you are using, you need to upload it to LFSWorld, see link I posted before.
Quote from Bean0 :These go into the skins_x folder, but it is not polite to use these yourself as they may be team skins etc.

skins_y in case of 1024x.
Quote from Bean0 :You have paid £1 for the ability to download higher quality skins (1024x1024 instead of 512x512) used by other people.
These go into the skins_x folder, but it is not polite to use these yourself as they may be team skins etc.

To use skins on your cars, see

Public skins are available in the skins section of the forums, and also other websites, and are a couple off the top of my head.

For others to see the skin you are using, you need to upload it to LFSWorld, see link I posted before.

Thank you very much
This thread is closed

Error message - Mod - NEED HELP SERIOUSLY
(30 posts, closed, started )