Will mention it again.

"The Fighter".

What an outstanding movie. Simply brilliant.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :...

I dont understand that...if I find it on google and then copy the url it is exactly that which I posted and it displays properly... when I click this link on forum it doesnt work...
hopefully this could do the job http://www.popartuk.com/film/p ... cartoon-gn0229-poster.asp
edit: I ve already solved the problem ... if someone would like to have one here it is in vector http://www.allfreevectors.com/ ... _Cartoon_Vector_Image.php
Live Free Die Hard - Cmon Bruce Willis shoots through himself to kill the bad guy in this. Me Likes.
Yep, Die Hard 4.0
Dellamorte Dellamore

A great horror and probably totally different than everything you seen till now.
It have beautiful womens.
Well chosen actors who fit their roles perfectly.
Great humour but not like over the top kind of humour its rather subtle but witty kind.
Zombies and violence but its not bloody and gross kind of violence where steaming guts and brains on the walls are in sight for the whole movie.
Its rather something that is there but its not something that suppose to gross you out neither its total lack of violence caused by the budget cuts
Its just kept in a boundaries of a good taste for the whole time (As bloody as necessary) and its not the main point of the movie anyway.
Its not scary either there are zombies but they are hardly dangerous (Well most of the time) especially that headshot followed by a witty comment can deal with them rather fast.
And well it is pretty relaxing.

This horror is not about zombies, its not suppose to scare you, its about something else but i dont think i can tell you what is it, just watch for yourself.
I saw inception the other week, never been so confused in my entire life, but it was a good film nevertheless.

Since then we have been to see little fockers, which was quite a laugh, and yesterday we went to see just go with it, with adam sandler and jennifer aniston in, wasnt bad at all.

Next up is paul, alien film with simon pegg and that other guy in (shaun and ed from shaun of the dead lol) which comes out tomorrow, i have never been to the cinema so much as i have over the last little while.
Quote from danthebangerboy :
Next up is paul, alien film with simon pegg and that other guy

Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Seth Rogen (alien voice)..\ Really wanna see this too.

Also I just watched

Killshot - Kinda boring. Only cool thing is Mickey Rourke's voice, and him getting double-teamed on in the end.

Miami Vice '06 - Awesome film. 2 great hours I spent watching that. Colin Ferrel and Jaimie Foxx is a cool combo.
Am seeing True grit tomorrow night and can't wait! Jeff bridges is godly
Saw the Mechanic, imo it was better than transporter movies, a bit more believable action/less corny.

The other guys was also an epic movie. had me in stitches right through with good action to boot!
Ok, you Eraserhead
Hehe, well it screws your mind at least
Ahh! Have not seen that, should I? Person thoughts?
Executive Decision - "A military team takes control of a hi-jacked plane in mid-air" - Really nice movie, kept me pretty glued.
lol, you saw that just now?
Yes, yes. I'm youngster u know.
True Grit and The King's speech were amazing but I am Number Four kinda sucked except for good effects.

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
(3163 posts, started )