why? that would be like having a "D" beside your name because you paid using debit card. or "P" because you purchased using paypal.
i don't see the point is showing how somebody bought LFS.
if someone is going to be a pain in the ass, it doesn't really matter how they buy LFS. the current wreckers and hackers should be enough to show you that.
More people = more wreckers it's just the way it works. if any of you have actually played games on steam it is not all that bad! They sell flight simulator on Steam and every time I have logged into that I don't see anyone tying to do barrel rolls in a 747 or smashing into New York City.
Most of the counter-strike kids have absolutely no interest in cars and it is highly unlikely that that will buy LFS, however for the people that do have an interest in driving simulators Steam will make LFS more known and available to them.
As I said previously if you are the owner of a server and do not want noobs in there crashing people, then put an experience cap on it or a safety cap similar to what Cargame.nl uses.
If the game were available on Steam, I'd have deffinately bought it there instead. I'd have probably bought it sooner too. I prefer using Steam by a long way.
I can't say anything would sway me towards a yes, I spent my time removing unwanted software from my pc so that it works better when gaming, I never have liked the idea of third party software being required to run the game. I removed msn, java updates, turned off windows updates, removed whistles and bells and aimed for optimum performance. Too often I see people lagging like crazy on servers and I ask 'are you using torrents or something' to which the answer is oftern 'no, steam or java was updating'....
Steam is ok if your someone who does not feel that minimum is maximum.
One more thing which recently occured to me is whether or not LFS is still selling. Are people still buying it? Or does it just have a well established and loyal player base? Because if it's not selling many copies nowadays, then it may not be worth the work of releasing it on Steam.
Very mature. I've got 4GB and a 64 bit operating system. And I'm often getting warnings about running out of memory from Windows. Keeping background processes to a minimum is never a bad idea, especially if you're playing games.
Well you may want to run a virus scan as my LFS computer only has 1gb + 2gb on the graphics card, I already run LFS through steam and I get a consistent 200fps with loads of memory to spare.
I assume they would make a bit more profit, but in the end it would all come down to trolls trolling their heads off about LFS not being original or what it used to be. I personally use steam utterly rarely though, so I can't have a very strong opinion.
A lot of people seem to have confused the question "should it be sold on steam" with "would you buy it on steam". There's a big difference which seems to have been lost on a lot of people here.
It's unlikely that anyone here would buy LFS on Steam, simply because the majority of the people on this forum have already bought LFS. So if there's a group of potential customers who will be attracted by a Steam release, they won't be found here.
Actually, I get those memory warnings in more demanding games. LFS runs like a dream.
Add a shortcut to your game to the Steam client, and it won't download anything as long as you launch the game from Steam's shortcut. That's the only way to do it.
Steam can't practically do it automatically. Game network traffic is indistinguishable from other things, such as automatic updaters, bittorrent clients, web browsers, instant message clients, etc. So that's not an option. Even checking ports isn't 100% reliable. There's only standards, no strict rules as to which ports you can use for what. And it doesn't make economic sense to maintain and detect games which aren't on Steam. Because there's millions of them.
Well that just sold steam to me, really it did (can you smell the sarcasm) as you have to add current games to stop it updating? I still don't want it, lfs is not broken, it does not need fixing. The day we get all mixed up with steam users will be the death of driving standards. And tbh, if LFS was on steam, I would not of brought it, I tried steam and my opinion of it was 'what a pile of steaming crap', I found LFS looking for a 'racing simulator' on google, a search engine that (most)retards seem unable to use(thank god) so yeah, why not get a neon sign for the kids on steam and turn lfs into a tardfest.
why the ****? I'm actually feeling for the community in this case. Steam would just bring all the retarded 9year old kids in public servers to crash the shit out of others being pissed off after playing CS.
You don't find sim racers from communities like steam.