Current Release: 0.9.1
Version 0.9.0: June 11, 2006
- Initial Public Release
Version 0.9.1: June 14, 2006
- Fixed a counter bug in poll-lfs.php
This is the first public release of lfs-server-monitor, a simple php based dedicated server polling module.
The package is a collection of php scripts which poll and report the status of an LFS server. Handy for league sites! It was developed through the need to monitor the NASRL dedicated servers. I have decided to offer it up in the hopes that some might find it useful.
It is not intended to be a feature-rich application, it is intended to be a quick at-a-glace server status PHP module with some server information and a link to join the action. You are of course free to extend it.
A few functions were taken from folks here that were good enough to post useful bits of PHP.. Thanks!
Currently the script tracks and/or displays:
- LFSWorld Server Name
- Server status: up/down (Graphical LED)
- Running Track and Layout
- Players On / Maximum field
- Click-to-Join link (Join2LFS)
- This module polls the LFSWorld Master Server to gather information. It could easily be expanded to track league members, etc and other features.
- MySQL based storage of server status information.
- Extensive documentation. README, installation instructions & heavily documented code
- Comes as a standalone PHP module, or as a Bitweaver CMS Package (http:www.bitweaver.org)
- Free Software, Released under the GNU General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Portions which were donated by folks here are their own. I don;t claim ownership of any contributed code
** Please Note **
I cannot troubleshoot your website, or integration of this module into your site. That is your responsibility. I can answer any questions about the specific functions of this software.
Anyone is free to modify, redistribute and/or release derivitive works, provided the provisions of the GPL are followed.
Provisions can be made to release this software to an individual under another licence if I am contacted and agree to the conditions.
Here are sample screenshots the simple module that is currently live at http://www.nasrl.net This module is live-monitoring the N.A.S.R.L LFS Server.
Server Status Down:

Server Status Up:

Future Considerations / Plans:
- Support for multiple servers. Partial support is in place but has not been tested.
- Extended Server Information Page.
- Status caching / proxy services.
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Compliments of NASRL