The online racing simulator
Release: PHP Dedicated Server Monitor
Release: PHP Dedicated Server Monitor

Current Release: 0.9.1



Version 0.9.0: June 11, 2006

- Initial Public Release

Version 0.9.1: June 14, 2006

- Fixed a counter bug in poll-lfs.php

This is the first public release of lfs-server-monitor, a simple php based dedicated server polling module.

The package is a collection of php scripts which poll and report the status of an LFS server. Handy for league sites! It was developed through the need to monitor the NASRL dedicated servers. I have decided to offer it up in the hopes that some might find it useful.

It is not intended to be a feature-rich application, it is intended to be a quick at-a-glace server status PHP module with some server information and a link to join the action. You are of course free to extend it.

A few functions were taken from folks here that were good enough to post useful bits of PHP.. Thanks!

Currently the script tracks and/or displays:

- LFSWorld Server Name
- Server status: up/down (Graphical LED)
- Running Track and Layout
- Players On / Maximum field
- Click-to-Join link (Join2LFS)


- This module polls the LFSWorld Master Server to gather information. It could easily be expanded to track league members, etc and other features.

- MySQL based storage of server status information.

- Extensive documentation. README, installation instructions & heavily documented code

- Comes as a standalone PHP module, or as a Bitweaver CMS Package (

- Free Software, Released under the GNU General Public Licence
Portions which were donated by folks here are their own. I don;t claim ownership of any contributed code

** Please Note **
I cannot troubleshoot your website, or integration of this module into your site. That is your responsibility. I can answer any questions about the specific functions of this software.

Anyone is free to modify, redistribute and/or release derivitive works, provided the provisions of the GPL are followed.

Provisions can be made to release this software to an individual under another licence if I am contacted and agree to the conditions.

Here are sample screenshots the simple module that is currently live at This module is live-monitoring the N.A.S.R.L LFS Server.

Server Status Down:

Server Status Up:

Future Considerations / Plans:

- Support for multiple servers. Partial support is in place but has not been tested.

- Extended Server Information Page.

- Status caching / proxy services.

==================================================== ===

Download Link:

Compliments of NASRL
Attached files - 14.9 KB - 657 views
Excellent! Just what I was wanting!

One question, does this release include the Bitweaver CMS Package?
Or is that seperate somewhere?

Quote from mkinnov8 :Excellent! Just what I was wanting!

One question, does this release include the Bitweaver CMS Package?
Or is that seperate somewhere?


Nono, that's a different thing and is not necessary. I just happen to use it, so I included support for that CMS.

There are a few lines of code that are bitweaver specific. They should be explained in comments. You can simply remove them if you are not using bitweaver. Let me know if the explanations in the files are unclear.

Hope you find it useful.
No No thats great, Im just starting with Bitweaver CMS really, so just wondered.

Really nice script,

Quote from mkinnov8 :No No thats great, Im just starting with Bitweaver CMS really, so just wondered.

Really nice script,


I'm glad you like it

FYI, if you run GTL or netKar Pro servers, the SimMonitor Bitweaver package also has monitors for those. You can check 'em out at

They are recognized as individual modules in the SimMonitor Package within bitweaver.

If you need a hand with the bitweaver-specific portion of this stuff I'd be glad to help with that. I don't mind helping people on the road to enlightenment (bitweaver)
An updated release today. Fixed a bug in poll-lfs.php.

Nice release

But a error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/jscorrea/public_html/lfsbr/server_monitor/mod_lfs_monitor.php on line 68

Im located the error, is a function of your CMS:


Evey time I see this thread I think, "Yea, filur finaly released his kick ass plugin." Only to each time be met my bitter dissapointment.
Quote from Dygear :Evey time I see this thread I think, "Yea, filur finaly released his kick ass plugin." Only to each time be met my bitter dissapointment.

Quote from jscorrea :Im located the error, is a function of your CMS:



Yeah I believe there are comments there to disable it if you are not using Smarty templates or bitweaver. enjoy