Hmm I have a brand new PS3 with a 320GB hard disk, surely it can't be going already.
My GT has loaded now but it was hanging on the loading screen like for 10 minutes before I got to the main menu. It seems to be fine now, must have been some glitch.
Currently I am level 23 making my way to level 24 as I want to complete the Mercedes special event to have all gold trophies on all events

I've also managed to achieve all gold trophies for the license tests too

but I wish some of them where a bit harder.
Honestly i cant be arsed doing the b-spec driving and I dont get why they included it, I want to drive and not watch some crappy AI race in a good car and still fail to win!!!!!!!! grrrr I did get my driver to level 4 mind hehe...
I was hoping that the new patch would fix the shaking in the in car view but was saddened it had been left alone, all they needed to do is include a slider bar for sensitivity of the shake to make it adjustable.
ohh well... maybe in the next patch, some of the shadowing could get fixed a bit too.