It has also been made for FXR, don't remember who exactly, maybe gerdoner or not sure, but it was the old version of it, so this is slightly different.
Idea is good,especially for first one,but - transition between parts (top/side,top/front and front/side) is awful... Destroys all the nice idea. I know it's hard,but to have good transitions in such type of skins is half of success to create good work!
Haven't made any skin for some time, that's because I've been too busy and lazy to do something, but here is one, the first skin for this year. It's a request skin from Xcite - Racing Team. And thanks kiste for giving me some great advices and ideas, basically some of the credit goes to him. Didn't have much inspiration at the start, so it took over one month to do with some pauses. Click for high-res:
After I made FC Bayern skin,a guy from local communities said it would be nice to have a skin with Liverpool FC colors. After some painting,here's the result - featuring FC's logos and biggest sponsors,also tried to imitate players' shirt features. Really nothing special,but maybe some Liverpool fan will appreciate.
Not uploaded in LFSW (almost no free slots for me),so if you like it,and plannig to use it - upload!