The online racing simulator
RaceStart! – LFS race start notifier / alert
I would like to introduce you RaceStart – a very simple, yet quite helpful application for LFS racers.

It happens to me often, that I am on a public server with a countdown to race restart. And when minimise LFS and go back to Windows, sometimes I miss the race start and eventually ruin someone else's race by standing on the start.

This app basically plays a sound and/or flashes the taskbar app icon whenever the race is started in LFS, so you know there is a new race starting. You can set which of these two actions will be done in config.ini.


Extract the zip into any folder you like. Remember to set the correct InSim port in config.ini (default is 29999). Make sure LFS is running and then run RaceStart!.exe.

- Fixed the code to work in 0.6E (now using [URL=""]InSim.NET[/URL] library)
- Added admin password to config.ini
- Initial release.

Attached files
RaceStart! - 276.2 KB - 248 views
#2 - adin
I personally dont need a program in this style but idea is really good, I like it Good job man!
Updated to No major changes, I switched to InSim.NET and hopefully made it work on 0.6E.
Hehe, I made this in the past too as a request by a user (long story short, I requested by account deleted so posts are missing in that thread, but I was SilverArrows77). Was called LFS Alert, but I never really released it publicly and no longer have it.

Is a handy idea, will give yours a shot
thanks flame CZE, the amount of times i needed this in the past,