(56 posts, started )
Quote from JADTDi :Go and suck a big cock

and what if someone would suck a big cock? What you will answer then?
no not yet. we're just trying to establish if he's partial to a gobble.
Quote from manoliky89 :Que te den por culo maricon, que pasa tengo que aprender ingles porque si? aprende tu español no te jode

Acuerda que tambien hay gente que habla español aqui
Quote from JADTDi :lol and you are a ****ing nerd. get a ****ing life. if you have a S2 license, why the **** do you come to this topic when it clearly says DEMO. ****ing dumbass

This community is plenty of nerds and nolifers. Go and drive a real car, freaks

Ahhhhh, nerd rage
Quote from jwardy :Acuerda que tambien hay gente que habla español aqui

Lo que no entiendo es de que va esta gente este hilo se a echo para gente con demo no con licencia que se piensan que son el ombligo del mundo o yo que se, viene a tocar las narices nada más y encima se creen tipos duros xD .
Quote from manoliky89 :Lo que no entiendo es de que va esta gente este hilo se a echo para gente con demo no con licencia que se piensan que son el ombligo del mundo o yo que se, viene a tocar las narices nada más y encima se creen tipos duros xD .

this is official lfsforum. go wonder what that means. and we are not faking tough, we are tough as hell!
You might aswell be scared for ****ing with us, you might get killed by some lfsforumer. Serious shit.
Quote from ColGaddafi :this is official lfsforum. go wonder what that means. and we are not faking tough, we are tough as hell!
You might aswell be scared for ****ing with us, you might get killed by some lfsforumer. Serious shit.

You are a retard guy get a funcking life, kill by forum? you dead on the world idiot xD
Quote from manoliky89 :You are a retard guy get a funcking life, kill by forum? you dead on the world idiot xD

Do not disrespect Col Gaddafi! I still have supporters! My women bodyguards will kill you!
Quote from ColGaddafi :Do not disrespect Col Gaddafi! I still have supporters! My women bodyguards will kill you!

of course ;D
I'm coming for you

#37 - PoVo
Hope this thread gets as fun as the others we had a while ago So funny
you sound like inouva, lol
#39 - PoVo
what does this have to do with TEAMS?
Go nerds gooo...why is this thread still not locked?
if all the nerds are here, who's looking after the internet?
(-NightFly-) DELETED by -NightFly- : nvrmnd...:D
#43 - PoVo
Quote from dadge :if all the nerds are here, who's looking after the internet?

The Spanish
Quote from PoVo :The Spanish

No,no its clearly al gore, I mean come on he created the internet
toasting in an epic bread
What a thread...
what's wrong with the thread? why aren't you sucking cocks already?
epic thread is epic
Attached images
#50 - Zay

(56 posts, started )